Fairview Housing Trust Focus of Latest Oregon Perspectives Issue
The latest edition of Oregon Perspectives, a publication of the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities, is out now. This season’s issue focuses on The Fairview Housing Trust and what important home improvements have been brought to people as a result of this very important resource. This valued program is now being eyed as a potential budget cut. Read more here.
Bill Lynch’s spot-on opening letter from the issue:
Trust is built on promises kept. The Fairview Community Housing Trust Fund was built on a promise by state policymakers that Oregon would have a sustainable resource to enhance the safety and independence of individuals with developmental disabilities living in their own homes or their family homes. But now the state is openly talking about breaking that promise.
The idea of the trust fund was simple. Take the proceeds from the sale of the Fairview Training Center property and create a fund that would generate interest. Turn the interest into small grants to modify private homes so those homes are more accessible and safe for the people with developmental disabilities who live there. This is not charity; it’s a wise investment that helps keep people in their own homes so they do not have to enter much costlier state services.
They say desperate times call for desperate measures. There’s no question the state budget is facing desperate times, but some of the desperate measures being considered to fill the budget hole are indeed questionable. Even if the entire amount in the Fairview Community Housing Trust Fund were used to balance the state budget, that amount wouldn’t even begin to tip the scales. In the meantime, we would wipe out a self sustaining resource that costs the state nothing but has the potential to make a big difference in the lives of thousands of Oregon households. In fact, it already has for more than 1,000 households.
In this issue of Oregon Perspectives, you will hear from trust fund grant recipients from all over the state who say the small amount of money they received to modify their homes has had a huge impact on the quality of their lives.
We have no reason to doubt they are telling the truth, and they should have no reason to doubt we will
keep our promises.
Self Advocates Needed for SAAL Connection
A request from the Self Advocates as Leaders:
Hello, My name is Judy Cunio. I am the Self Advocacy Coordinator for the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities. As part of my job, I am the editor of The SAAL Connection (formerly known as The People First Connection), a publication of Self Advocates as Leaders. The SAAL Connection features stories written by and for self advocates.
I am writing this message because, as many of you know, the state does not have enough money to continue doing everything that it’s currently doing. So that means each agency needs to cut back on the money they spend on services.
But you can help us get policymakers’ attention by sharing your personal story!
We are looking for stories from self advocates about the type of support you get, what it means to you, and what life would be like without it. People can write their own stories or get help from someone to write it. The people who have to make the hard budget decisions don’t always understand the real harm that budget cuts will do to the people who need the services most.
If you would like to help, I invite you to share your story with The SAAL Connection, which is read by many people, including some legislators and other policymakers. We plan to put together collections of stories and the more stories we collect from around the state, the greater impact we will have.
We would like to have stories in by August 1, 2010.
Please e –mail your stories to me: Judy.a.cunio@state.or.us
Or postal mail: 540 24th Place NE, Salem, OR, 97301
Or you can call Marcie Tedlow at 503-725-8129
State Budget Cuts to People with Mental Illness – SEEKING PLAINTIFFS!
Do you or someone you know have mental illness? Will you be affected by the Personal Care 20 budget cuts? If so, Disability Rights Oregon wants to hear from you by Friday! Please pass this along to anyone you know who might benefit.
DRO wants to stop the cuts to personal care services because we believe that many of the people who receive those services will be at risk of institutionalization (such as going back to the state hospital) if they lose their services. In order to bring the case, we need to find who is affected and who is at risk by Friday, July 16, 2010.
On July 2, 2010, Richard Harris, Director of the Addictions and Mental Health Division, sent out letters to all clients with mental illness who are receiving up to 20 hours of personal care services through the Medicaid (OHP) program to notify them that those services will end on July 31, 2010.
Those services provide basic personal hygiene, nutrition, and assistance with medications (assuring medications are taken as prescribed, observing reactions, reminding people when prescriptions need to be refilled and assisting with that).
In addition, clients may get personal care hours for housekeeping, arranging medical appointments, extra support due to their mental illness, and someone to observe and report changes to their mental health status to help prevent a crisis.
These are vital services — and the only ones that people with mental illness are eligible for under Medicaid.
DRO wants to stop those cuts, and believes that many of the people who receive those services will be at risk of institutionalization (such as going back to the state hospital) if they lose their services.
But in order to bring the case, we need to find those people who are affected and who are at risk.
- The best plaintiffs will be folks who have recently been hospitalized (within the last year or two), gotten out, now have housing and are stabilized because of these services — and who will likely not make it in the community if they lose those services.
- We will need to have support from the care provider, case manager, and/or doctor (ideally) that they are at imminent risk — but first we need to find them!
If you are an advocate, a care provider, a case worker, a friend or family member, or person who is receiving those personal care hours, please help us put out the word.
Call DRO at 503.243.2081 or 1.800.452.1694 if you know of such people who are at risk, or better yet, have people call DRO directly (or provide us with contact information and we will make the call).
Our front desk and intake workers are ready to gather the necessary information.
If you need more specific information about the lawsuit and the types of plaintiffs DRO is seeking, please call Kathy Wilde, the legal director, who is coordinating this effort.
Time is of the essence!
We need plaintiffs by the end of next week (July 16th) — but as soon as possible.
The lawsuit must be filed the week of July 26th in order to seek an order from the federal court stopping the state from implementing the cuts.
Otherwise, the cuts go into effect on August 1st.
Fact Sheets About Budget Cuts, Impact; Tools for Talking with Leglislators
From the DD Coalition:
There is a sense of urgency throughout the state as we work to preserve essential services to children and adults with developmental disabilities! Fact Sheets have been developed to assist in your advocacy efforts as you rally support from legislators:
Want Up-to-the-Minute Budget Info? Join the GO! Project Bulletin Now
If you haven’t yet, take a moment to sign up for the DD Coalition’s GO! Project Bulletin. It gives you up-to-the-minute information on current budgetary issues, legislative action and advocacy opportunities. We can’t say enough great things about this resource. Check it out now! Click here and enter your email address in the field at the top upper right hand corner of the screen.
About the GO! Project:
The DD Coalition created Grassroots Oregon (the GO! Project) in July 2004 to connect regional advocates to one another, to identify issues of concern in communities statewide, and to provide technical assistance and information regarding issues related to people with developmental disabilities.
The GO! Project strives to help people with disabilities and their families educate others – including the general public, state and local government officials, and public agency staff – about their stories, their concerns, and the impact of policies effecting people who experience developmental disabilities.
The GO! Project provides an information clearinghouse on state DD issues by maintaining the Oregon DD Coalition website and related materials as well as sending out monthly email bulletins. GO! is also building a strong network of Oregonians concerned with issues related to people with developmental disabilities through grassroots organizing and training activities. The project works to make sure the perspectives of people with developmental disabilities are represented in statewide forums and discussions about funding and policies.
Independence Northwest has received notice of a planned protest of the budget cuts – this Thursday, downtown Portland. Brokerages are affected by the cuts by a loss of 10% of our administrative funding and removal of Quality Assurance funding from our contract with the State of Oregon.
The following notice came from UCP’s Family Support Program:
A rally will take place in Portland’s Pioneer Square at 12 o’clock Noon on Thursday July 15, 2010 to protest the abrupt budget cuts by Governor Kulongowski. Our governor passed these budget proposals with only 5 days for review, no modifications, and no opportunity for public response.
The following cuts to human services started immediately on July 1, 2010:
- Elimination of meals programs for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. (i.e. Meals on Wheels.)
- Elimination of in-home personal care services for low-income seniors and people with disabilities on Medicaid (i.e. help with bathing, eating, dressing, using the restroom, etc.)
- Reduce in-home services in the Medicaid system by 75% (i.e. meal preparation, chores, etc)
- Complete elimination of Oregon’s Project Independence.
- Further cuts to community and county providers who are administering the state’s programs which serve these individuals.
Please join other supporters & protesters at 12 o’clock noon on Thursday July 15, 2010 for the first rally to protest these cuts. Meet at Pioneer Square in downtown Portland. For more information or to help with this and other rallies, please email the sponsoring group at: protestthecuts@gmail.com.
Extreme Heat: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety
Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable yet annually many people succumb to extreme heat. Historically, from 1979-2003, excessive heat exposure caused 8,015 deaths in the United States. During this period, more people in this country died from extreme heat than from hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes combined. In 2001, 300 deaths were caused by excessive heat exposure.
People suffer heat-related illness when their bodies are unable to compensate and properly cool themselves. The body normally cools itself by sweating. But under some conditions, sweating just isn’t enough. In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises rapidly. Very high body temperatures may damage the brain or other vital organs.
Several factors affect the body’s ability to cool itself during extremely hot weather. When the humidity is high, sweat will not evaporate as quickly, preventing the body from releasing heat quickly. Other conditions related to risk include age, obesity, fever, dehydration, heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation, sunburn, and prescription drug and alcohol use.
Because heat-related deaths are preventable, people need to be aware of who is at greatest risk and what actions can be taken to prevent a heat-related illness or death. The elderly, the very young, and people with mental illness and chronic diseases are at highest risk. However, even young and healthy individuals can succumb to heat if they participate in strenuous physical activities during hot weather. Air-conditioning is the number one protective factor against heat-related illness and death. If a home is not air-conditioned, people can reduce their risk for heat-related illness by spending time in public facilities that are air-conditioned.
Summertime activity, whether on the playing field or the construction site, must be balanced with measures that aid the body’s cooling mechanisms and prevent heat-related illness. This pamphlet tells how you can prevent, recognize, and cope with heat-related health problems.
What Is Extreme Heat?
Conditions of extreme heat are defined as summertime temperatures that are substantially hotter and/or more humid than average for location at that time of year. Humid or muggy conditions, which add to the discomfort of high temperatures, occur when a “dome” of high atmospheric pressure traps hazy, damp air near the ground. Extremely dry and hot conditions can provoke dust storms and low visibility. Droughts occur when a long period passes without substantial rainfall. A heat wave combined with a drought is a very dangerous situation.
During Hot Weather
To protect your health when temperatures are extremely high, remember to keep cool and use common sense. The following tips are important:
Drink Plenty of Fluids
During hot weather you will need to increase your fluid intake, regardless of your activity level. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. During heavy exercise in a hot environment, drink two to four glasses (16-32 ounces) of cool fluids each hour.
Warning: If your doctor generally limits the amount of fluid you drink or has you on water pills, ask how much you should drink while the weather is hot.
Don’t drink liquids that contain alcohol, or large amounts of sugar—these actually cause you to lose more body fluid. Also avoid very cold drinks, because they can cause stomach cramps.
Replace Salt and Minerals
Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from the body. These are necessary for your body and must be replaced. If you must exercise, drink two to four glasses of cool, non-alcoholic fluids each hour. A sports beverage can replace the salt and minerals you lose in sweat. However, if you are on a low-salt diet, talk with your doctor before drinking a sports beverage or taking salt tablets.
Wear Appropriate Clothing and Sunscreen
Wear as little clothing as possible when you are at home. Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool itself and causes a loss of body fluids. It also causes pain and damages the skin. If you must go outdoors, protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat (also keeps you cooler) along with sunglasses, and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher (the most effective products say “broad spectrum” or “UVA/UVB protection” on their labels) 30 minutes prior to going out. Continue to reapply it according to the package directions.
Schedule Outdoor Activities Carefully
If you must be outdoors, try to limit your outdoor activity to morning and evening hours. Try to rest often in shady areas so that your body’s thermostat will have a chance to recover.
Pace Yourself
If you are not accustomed to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. If exertion in the heat makes your heart pound and leaves you gasping for breath, STOP all activity. Get into a cool area or at least into the shade, and rest, especially if you become lightheaded, confused, weak, or faint.
Stay Cool Indoors
Stay indoors and, if at all possible, stay in an air-conditioned place. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to the shopping mall or public library—even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat. Call your local health department to see if there are any heat-relief shelters in your area. Electric fans may provide comfort, but when the temperature is in the high 90s, fans will not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath or moving to an air-conditioned place is a much better way to cool off. Use your stove and oven less to maintain a cooler temperature in your home.
Use a Buddy System
When working in the heat, monitor the condition of your co-workers and have someone do the same for you. Heat-induced illness can cause a person to become confused or lose consciousness. If you are 65 years of age or older, have a friend or relative call to check on you twice a day during a heat wave. If you know someone in this age group, check on them at least twice a day.
Monitor Those at High Risk
Although anyone at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others.
Infants and young children are sensitive to the effects of high temperatures and rely on others to regulate their environments and provide adequate liquids.
- People 65 years of age or older may not compensate for heat stress efficiently and are less likely to sense and respond to change in temperature.
- People who are overweight may be prone to heat sickness because of their tendency to retain more body heat.
- People who overexert during work or exercise may become dehydrated and susceptible to heat sickness.
- People who are physically ill, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure, or who take certain medications, such as for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation, may be affected by extreme heat.
Visit adults at risk at least twice a day and closely watch them for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Infants and young children, of course, need much more frequent watching.
Adjust to the Environment
Be aware that any sudden change in temperature, such as an early summer heat wave, will be stressful to your body. You will have a greater tolerance for heat if you limit your physical activity until you become accustomed to the heat. If you travel to a hotter climate, allow several days to become acclimated before attempting any vigorous exercise, and work up to it gradually.
Do Not Leave Children in Cars
Even in cool temperatures, cars can heat up to dangerous temperatures very quickly. Even with the windows cracked open, interior temperatures can rise almost 20 degrees Fahrenheit within the first 10 minutes. Anyone left inside is at risk for serious heat-related illnesses or even death. Children who are left unattended in parked cars are at greatest risk for heat stroke, and possibly death. When traveling with children, remember to do the following:
- Never leave infants, children or pets in a parked car, even if the windows are cracked open.
- To remind yourself that a child is in the car, keep a stuffed animal in the car seat. When the child is buckled in, place the stuffed animal in the front with the driver.
- When leaving your car, check to be sure everyone is out of the car. Do not overlook any children who have fallen asleep in the car.
Use Common Sense
Remember to keep cool and use common sense:
- Avoid hot foods and heavy meals—they add heat to your body.
- Drink plenty of fluids and replace salts and minerals in your body. Do not take salt tablets unless under medical supervision.
- Dress infants and children in cool, loose clothing and shade their heads and faces with hats or an umbrella.
- Limit sun exposure during mid-day hours and in places of potential severe exposure such as beaches.
- Do not leave infants, children, or pets in a parked car.
- Provide plenty of fresh water for your pets, and leave the water in a shady area.
Hot Weather Health Emergencies
Even short periods of high temperatures can cause serious health problems. During hot weather health emergencies, keep informed by listening to local weather and news channels or contact local health departments for health and safety updates. Doing too much on a hot day, spending too much time in the sun or staying too long in an overheated place can cause heat-related illnesses. Know the symptoms of heat disorders and overexposure to the sun, and be ready to give first aid treatment.
Heat Stroke
Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. The body’s temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. Body temperature may rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability if emergency treatment is not provided.
Recognizing Heat Stroke
Warning signs of heat stroke vary but may include the following:
- An extremely high body temperature (above 103°F, orally)
- Red, hot, and dry skin (no sweating)
- Rapid, strong pulse
- Throbbing headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Confusion
- Unconsciousness
What to Do
If you see any of these signs, you may be dealing with a life-threatening emergency. Have someone call for immediate medical assistance while you begin cooling the victim. Do the following:
- Get the victim to a shady area.
- Cool the victim rapidly using whatever methods you can. For example, immerse the victim in a tub of cool water; place the person in a cool shower; spray the victim with cool water from a garden hose; sponge the person with cool water; or if the humidity is low, wrap the victim in a cool, wet sheet and fan him or her vigorously.
- Monitor body temperature, and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101-102°F.
- If emergency medical personnel are delayed, call the hospital emergency room for further instructions.
- Do not give the victim fluids to drink.
- Get medical assistance as soon as possible.
Sometimes a victim’s muscles will begin to twitch uncontrollably as a result of heat stroke. If this happens, keep the victim from injuring himself, but do not place any object in the mouth and do not give fluids. If there is vomiting, make sure the airway remains open by turning the victim on his or her side.
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids. It is the body’s response to an excessive loss of the water and salt contained in sweat. Those most prone to heat exhaustion are elderly people, people with high blood pressure, and people working or exercising in a hot environment.
Recognizing Heat Exhaustion
Warning signs of heat exhaustion include the following:
- Heavy sweating
- Paleness
- Muscle cramps
- Tiredness
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fainting
The skin may be cool and moist. The victim’s pulse rate will be fast and weak, and breathing will be fast and shallow. If heat exhaustion is untreated, it may progress to heat stroke. Seek medical attention immediately if any of the following occurs:
- Symptoms are severe
- The victim has heart problems or high blood pressure
Otherwise, help the victim to cool off, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or last longer than 1 hour.
What to Do
Cooling measures that may be effective include the following:
- Cool, nonalcoholic beverages
- Rest
- Cool shower, bath, or sponge bath
- An air-conditioned environment
- Lightweight clothing
Heat Cramps
Heat cramps usually affect people who sweat a lot during strenuous activity. This sweating depletes the body’s salt and moisture. The low salt level in the muscles may be the cause of heat cramps. Heat cramps may also be a symptom of heat exhaustion.
Recognizing Heat Cramps
Heat cramps are muscle pains or spasms—usually in the abdomen, arms, or legs—that may occur in association with strenuous activity. If you have heart problems or are on a low-sodium diet, get medical attention for heat cramps.
What to Do
If medical attention is not necessary, take these steps:
- Stop all activity, and sit quietly in a cool place.
- Drink clear juice or a sports beverage.
- Do not return to strenuous activity for a few hours after the cramps subside, because further exertion may lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
- Seek medical attention for heat cramps if they do not subside in 1 hour.
Sunburn should be avoided because it damages the skin. Although the discomfort is usually minor and healing often occurs in about a week, a more severe sunburn may require medical attention.
Recognizing Sunburn
Symptoms of sunburn are well known: the skin becomes red, painful, and abnormally warm after sun exposure.
What to Do
Consult a doctor if the sunburn affects an infant younger than 1 year of age or if these symptoms are present:
- Fever
- Fluid-filled blisters
- Severe pain
Also, remember these tips when treating sunburn:
- Avoid repeated sun exposure.
- Apply cold compresses or immerse the sunburned area in cool water.
- Apply moisturizing lotion to affected areas. Do not use salve, butter, or ointment.
- Do not break blisters.
Heat Rash
Heat rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating during hot, humid weather. It can occur at any age but is most common in young children.
Recognizing Heat Rash
Heat rash looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters. It is more likely to occur on the neck and upper chest, in the groin, under the breasts, and in elbow creases.
What to Do
The best treatment for heat rash is to provide a cooler, less humid environment. Keep the affected area dry. Dusting powder may be used to increase comfort.
Treating heat rash is simple and usually does not require medical assistance. Other heat-related problems can be much more severe.
This information provided by NCEH’s Health Studies Branch.
Cooling Centers in the Metro Area
KATU’s current list of cooling centers in the metro area:
Multnomah County:
- Portland Rescue Mission is opening its Burnside Shelter at 111 W. Burnside as a cooling center. Movies and beverages in an air-conditioned environment will be provided 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday.
- Loaves and Fishes has air-conditioned spaces throughout Multnomah County, and beyond. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday.
- Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 N.E. 40th Ave., will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday. Movie, beverages and snacks at 5:30 p.m. Free transportation through Ride Connection. Call (503) 288-8303 or (503) 988-3646 to schedule a ride.
- The Salvation Army Rose Center for Seniors will be extending its hours through Thursday, opening at 8 a.m. and closing at 8 p.m. at 211 N.E. 18th Ave. near downtown Portland. It’s offering “fun activities, light snacks and lots of water” and can be reached at (503) 239-1221.
- The City of Fairview will open up Fairview City Hall as a cooling center from noon to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Children must be accompanied by an adult; animals are prohibited. Fairview City Hall is at 1300 N.E. Village Street in downtown Fairview, about 2 miles west of Troutdale off Interstate 84. Call (503) 674-6224 with questions.
- Greater Gresham Baptist Church is opening its sanctuary up as a Gresham Area Cooling Center. The church is at 3848 N.E. Division Street in Gresham and will stay open until 9 p.m. and possibly later. Call (503) 667-1515 for further details.
- The Oregon Human Society’s Animal Medical Learning Center will host a pet-friendly cooling center through Sunday, Aug 2, during normal shelter hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Pets must be accompanied by their owners at all times. Pet drop offs are not allowed; pet crates are encouraged. The address is 1067 N.E. Columbia Blvd., just inside the Oregon Humane Society’s main shelter entrance. Call (503) 285-7722 or visit www.OregonHumane.org for further details.
Clark County:
- New extended hours: Clark County Fire District 6 will open the Felida Fire Station as a cooling center from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The station is at 11600 N.W. Lakeshore Ave. in Vancouver. C-TRAN will transport people there; riders need to board Route 9/Felida and ask the driver to drop them at the fire station on Lakeshore Avenue – as it is not a regular stop on the route.
- The Human Services Council of Southwest Washington will provide door-to-door service to the Clark County Fire District 6 Cooling Center. The home pickup service is for low-income people and those with disabilities who need assistance in finding transportation. Rides are limited, so if you know you’ll need one you should call as soon as possible. Ride reservation lines are (360) 258-2103 or (360) 735-5746.
- Battle Ground Community Center, 912 E. Main Street in Fairgrounds Park, will be open for books, magazines, board games and children’s activities from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Contact Battle Ground Parks & Recreation Department at (360) 342-5380 for more information on this center.
- East County Fire and Rescue will open their firehouse as a cooling center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Station 91 is located at 600 N.E. 267th Avenue, Fern Prairie, next to Grove Airfield.
Clackamas County:
Portable, electric fans may be available for loan to families through the Wilsonville Community Center. The Clackamas County Energy Assistance Program also has fans available for low-income households free of charge. People in need of a fan can call its energy assistance line at (503) 650-5640; Spanish speakers can call (503) 650-5766. Additionally,
- Wilsonville Public Library at 8200 S.W. Wilsonville Road will remain open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday for cooling, and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. thereafter. The library will be closed Thursday. Water is available, no pets allowed, handicapped accessible.
- Water features in Town Center Park at the Visitors Center and Murase Plaza will be left on until 9 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday.
- The Wilsonville Community Center at 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road is “remaining cool and always a place for folks to spend the day,” reports Dan Knoll, spokesman for the City of Wilsonville. Coffee, tea and water are “always available,” he said. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Lake Grove Presbyterian Church at 4040 Sunset Drive in Lake Grove has water and ice tea available. Pets are allowed but restricted to shady area outside. Operating hours are 1 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Damascus Community Church at 14251 S.E. Rust Way in Damascus will be open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Water is available and pets are allowed in carriers. This facility is handicap accessible.
- Lower Highland Bible Church at 24333 S. Ridge Road in Beavercreek will be open 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday.
- Eagle Creek Fire Station at 32200 S.E. Judd Road in Eagle Creek will be open from 1 to 6 p.m. Tuesday.
- Lake Oswego Adult Community Center at 505 “G” Ave. in Lake Oswego will serve as a cooling center from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on week days, and after hours and on the weekend by calling (503) 635-3758. Staff will open the Center for as long as needed.
- Sandy Community/Senior Center at 38348 Pioneer Blvd. in Sandy will be open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Handicapped accessible.
- Oswego Place Assisted Living, 17450 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego; open Wednesday through Sunday as cooling center.
Washington County:
In the City of Hillsboro there are several cooling centers open for residents, including:
- Tyson Recreation Center, 1880 N.E. Griffin Oaks St. in Hillsboro will be open from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Hillsboro Senior Center, 750 S.E. Eighth Ave., will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Hillsboro Main Library, 2850 Brookwood Parkway, will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday.
- Shute Park Branch Library, 775 S.E. 10th Ave., will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday.
- West Police Precinct, 250 S.E. 10th Ave., will serve as a cooling station from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday
The following Hillsboro churches also will be open this week for those needing a respite from the heat:
- Sonrise Church, 6701 N.E. Campus Drive, open from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
- Westport Church, 20085 N.W. Tanasbourne Drive, open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at the Hillsboro cooling centers specifically. For recorded location and hour information for Hillsboro cooling stations call (503) 681-5295.
Assisted living center opens its doors as cooling center through Sunday:
- Beaverton Hills Assisted Living, 4425 S.W. 99th Ave., Beaverton
- Riverwood Assisted Living, 18321 S.W. Pacific Highway, Tualatin
Columbia County:
- Warren Community Fellowship Church at 56253 Columbia River Highway, open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday. Call Columbia River Fire and Rescue at (503) 397-2990 for more information.
Marion County:
- Silverton Hospital has set up two cooling center sites: one at the Silver Falls Library, 410 S. Water Street, and one at Silver Creek Fellowship, 822 Industry Way. Both are open 10 a.m. to dusk starting Thursday.
Project Employ Starts in Washington County
The Arc of Oregon has received grant funding to implement a new project to assure the successful transition for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities from school to competitive community employment. PROJECT EMPLOY targets youth (16-21 years) with intellectual and developmental disabilities that have been typically labeled as “unemployable” and referred to community inclusion programs rather than being considered for competitive employment. PROJECT EMPLOY will provide training for these students’ families, school personnel, and community professionals to bridge transition from school to community employment. Support teams will receive training and technical assistance in the following areas:
- Person-Centered Planning and how to apply this to Individual Education Plans (schools), Individual Support Plans (DD services), and Individual Plans for Employment (OVRS).
- Developing and implementing effective school and community supports that lead to post high school employment.
- Peer mentoring of effective advocacy strategies that support self-determination.
As a region with a mix of urban and rural that provides opportunities for learning, Washington County has been selected for the initial year of this 3-year project. In subsequent years, PROJECT EMPLOY will expand to two other regions of the state. We are currently seeking interested Washington County school districts that wish to learn with us and are willing to commit staff resources. Participating school personnel would be expected to attend an initial meeting (late August / early September), a one-day training with other professionals on Statewide In-service Day (October), six hours of training with participating students/families (November), and monthly Project meetings (December-June). In lieu of an April meeting, Project Employ will sponsor an Employment Resource Fair where students can learn about summer internships and schools will have the opportunity to share information about their programs. Teams will have access to additional technical assistance as needed and will be expected to provide data on students’ progress.
By supporting and mentoring all members of the students’ teams, the expectation is that by age 21, students will be employed in community jobs. For ages 16-20, it is expected that students will participate in appropriate vocational activities and work experiences during the school year and in jobs or paid internships during the summers.
Please join us in supporting students’ transitions to work. If interested, please contact Tara Asai, The Arc of Oregon: tara.asai@arcoregon.org or at (503) 706-3273.
Metro Area Brokerages to Add Capacity through Summer
There are currently five support services brokerages supporting individuals with developmental disabilities in the Portland metro area. In the last year, capacity in brokerages has become an issue as we all reached our contracted limits with the Department of Human Services.
After discussions with stakeholders, the Department of Human Services has announced initial expansion plans to create capacity for those who have been waiting. During the months of August and September, four of the five metro brokerages will add staff to allow for an additional 90 individuals to begin receiving services. The expansion of services was announced prior to the recent across-the-board budgetary cuts. Due to the current climate, plans beyond October are not yet clear.
This expansion is a statewide effort and capacity is being added to counties and brokerages statewide.
Independence Northwest grew by leaps and bounds in its first two years (opening 450 customers in a record 18 months) and for this and other reasons, we have chosen not to increase our contracted capacity at this time. We applaud the efforts of the Department of Human Services and our fellow brokerages statewide.
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Tips for Dealing with this Week’s Hot Weather
From Clackamas County’s website:
The National Weather Service is predicting a possible heat wave for much of this week with temperatures hovering into the mid to high 90s. During hot summer weather the Clackamas County Social Services and Public Health caution people and their pets of an increased risk for heat-related problems such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and sun stroke.
Seniors, people with disabilities and children are especially susceptible to these conditions. Children and people with disabilities may not be able to express discomfort or communicate symptoms. Here is what you should look for:
- Red irritated skin
- Excessive sweating
- Headaches, muscle aches and nausea
If someone demonstrates one or more of those symptoms it is important to get them hydrated and out of the sun immediately. If the symptoms persist or they lose consciousness or have trouble breathing, summon medical assistance as soon as possible.
Hot weather can also cause strain on the heart, exacerbate respiratory impairments such as asthma, emphysema and a range of other conditions. It can also affect the ability to manage diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
Here are some tips for combating the heat:
- Keep air circulating with fans; take cool sponge baths
- Go to an air-conditioned building if possible. Consider visiting a local senior
- center, youth center library or mall. Air-conditioning has been found to be the single most important factor in reducing heat-related risks.
- Wear loose-fitting and light-colored clothing. If going out wear a hat.
- Drink lots of water and don’t wait to get “thirsty”
- Avoid, coffee, tea or alcohol
- Limit physical activity and direct exposure to the sun
- Check with your health provider about how the hot weather affects your prescription drugs
- Contact your health provider if you experience prolonged heat-related symptoms, or if those symptoms significantly affect the ability to care for yourself.
For more about caring for the elderly or persons with disabilities visit the Social Services Web page at www.clackamas.us/socialservices/ and more about Public Health visit www.clackamas.us/community_health/ph/
Keeping your pets cool during hot weather
Clackamas County Dog Services reminds pet owners to be especially careful to keep their pets cool and safe during hot weather.
Dogs and cats can’t perspire as humans do and can only eliminate heat by panting and through the pads of their feet. That means they heat up very quickly and have limited resources to cool themselves.
Dog Services Manager Diana Hallmark notes that the temperature in a parked car, even in the shade or with windows partly open, can increase rapidly. Within as few as 10 minutes, a dog or cat can be seriously harmed or killed. Leaving a pet in a parked car may also subject the owner to criminal neglect or abuse charges.
According to the Humane Society of the United States, even with outside temperatures as low as 72 degrees a car’s interior temperature can increase an average of 40 degrees within an hour. While some people leave windows slightly open, that doesn’t provide enough relief to protect your pet. Visit their website at http://www.hsus.org/
Hallmark suggests people keep pets from overheating by:
- Leaving them at home during warm or hot weather;
- Being sure they have constant access to shade or a cool room, and to cool, potable drinking water, and
- Being mindful of overexertion which can cause overheating. Take walks early in the morning or late in the evening and at a relaxed pace.
- Watching out for heatstroke –heavy panting, staring, high fever, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, collapse and disobedience. If heatstroke is suspected, call a veterinarian immediately and apply water-soaked towels to hairless areas of the animal’s body to lower its temperature.
- Never leaving pets in an unattended parked car or truck, with or without open windows.
For more information about pet safety or related issues visit www.clackamas.us/dogs/
Personal Care 20 Program Ends August 1st
The State has released its formal transmittal regarding the closure of its Personal Care 20 program, effective August 1st. This program, which provided 20 hours of personal care to adults with disabilities and seniors, is one familiar to many of the customer served by brokerages like Independence Northwest.
Please note: The change to the PC20 program is not affecting ADL Supplement levels.
This means that if you are someone who used to get PC20, but you’re now enrolled in the brokerage, the additional $2,900 in ADL (Activities of Daily Living) supports will continue through the brokerage. Nothing is changing for brokerage customers at this time. The recent letter and transmittal from the Department of Human Services can be misleading given the suggestion that Personal Agents would be assisting people with finding other resources.
If you have questions, please contact your Personal Agent.
Budget Cuts – OPB’s Think Out Loud Episode
Today’s OPB Think Out Loud episode is dedicated to the current 9% Budget Cut. Check it out here.
Economists may tell you the recession is lifting, but you’d never be able to tell in Oregon. The latest forecast says that the state is more than a half billion dollars short for the current budget cycle. Governor Ted Kulongoski has asked all state agencies how they would cut nine percent out of their budgets. The Department of Corrections proposed closing three prisons — something the governor said he would not accept. However, the biggest cuts will be felt by schools and human services.
In the case of the Department of Human Services, some cuts are off the table, like the ones that get matching funds from the federal government. A spokewoman at DHS says the agency has been very disciplined staying within its budget and weathering a variety of cuts — along with increasing demand — over the last two years. But, she said, this mandated nine percent cut was simply too big to be able to hold many vulnerable Oregonians who depend on their services harmless.
Do your children go to public school? How will your school be affected? Do you rely on regular help from Project Independence or other program for people who are elderly or disabled? What are your biggest concerns about the proposed cuts?
- May Corp: Oregon Project Independence client
- Bruce Goldberg: Director of the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority
- Peter Courtney: Senate President, co-chair of the Emergency Board
- Max Williams: Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections
- Scott Herbert: Co-owner of AquaCare + Critter Hut in Pendleton
- Greg Thede: Superintendent at the Klamath County School District
9% Budget Reductions Announced – Brokerages Targeted for Cuts Yet Again
From the Oregon DD Coalition:
9 % Budget Reductions Announced!
- Oregon State Agency Budget Reduction Summary [PDF]
- Oregon DHS: Seniors & People with Disabilities Budget Cuts [PDF]
- Oregon Department of Education Budget Cuts [PDF]
“Many of the programs we have fought to create over the past 25 years are either identified for complete elimination or are being seriously damaged by these reductions… We need to ask ourselves who we are as citizens and develop the political will to create better long term and comprehensive solutions for vital services” – Margaret Theisen, DD Coalition Chairperson
Today, the Governor released the list of state agency reduction proposals designed to address the $577 million dollar General Fund hole in the 2009-2011 budget. The specific reductions in Seniors and People with Disabilities and education are provided above. The Governor and legislative leadership will be reviewing the reductions to determine whether a special session will be required.
The Governor issued the 9% across the board reduction order two weeks ago based on the low May revenue forecast and the pending loss of the enhanced Medicaid match provided Oregon through the stimulus dollars in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.
The 9% reduction in Seniors and People with Disabilities means an approximate loss of $44 million General Fund / $45 million Federal Funds and $10 million Other Funds. As you can see from the narrative in the budget document, there are many challenges in implementing reductions and implementing them quickly enough to minimize the need for additional reductions to meet the budget targets.It is projected that the budget hole for the 2011-2013 biennium will be over $2.5 billion dollars and the projected reductions will be significantly deeper.
What can you do?
- Contact your Federal Congressional Delegation and urge support for continuation of the higher federal Medicaid match rate that will temporarily offset the budget reductions to people with disabilities and families in Oregon.
- Stay informed! Read the Network Action Alerts and GO! Bulletins and take action when requested.
- Get others to join the Oregon Network. Our strength is in our numbers!!
- Attend the local meetings held by your legislators and talk about the importance of the services you receive. Check the DD Coalition website regularly for Fact Sheets and updated talking points.
Special Education: A Guide for Parents & Advocates
Disability Rights Oregon has created an excellent guide to assist you through the Special Education experience. The guide was written to provide parents and advocates with accurate information and answers to questions about special education for children enrolled in Oregon’s public schools from Kindergarten to age 21.
Q&A – Asperger Syndrome and Parenting
In early 2006, 12-year-old Joshua Littman, who has Asperger Syndrome, interviewed his mother, Sarah, at StoryCorps. Their one-of-a-kind conversation covered everything from cockroaches to Sarah’s feelings about Joshua as a son.
Tune into the PBS documentary program POV in August and September to see more StoryCorps animated stories.
DD Coalition: Developmental Disabilities Services Funding At Risk As Oregon Faces Significant Budget Deficit
Important Announcement from the DD Coalition:
Developmental Disabilities Services funding is at risk as Oregon faces a significant budget deficit. Oregon’s Department of Human Services (DHS) and the newly-created Oregon Health Authority (OHA) are now formulating budget priorities for the current and upcoming two year fiscal cycle. If DD services are important to your family, friends, business and/or community, EMAIL DHS TODAY at dhs.oha@dhs.state.or.us.
The budget projections are grim and there will be cuts! Community Forums have been held throughout Oregon over the past few weeks to discuss DHS/OHA budget and funding priorities. However, the number of people speaking on behalf of DD services were minimal. It is essential that DHS / OHA leadership hears about the importance of the services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
1) Protect Funding for Services to People with Developmental Disabilities
DD services support one of Oregon’s most vulnerable populations across the lifespan through a diverse array of services. DD services are cost effective and efficient. Many of these services have already experienced reductions over the past several fiscal cycles including employment / day services and family support. There are no budget reductions that will not significantly impact the lives of vulnerable individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
Background: The challenge facing Oregon is how to maintain funding even for existing services. The DD Coalition will join with other organizations to prioritize human services to vulnerable populations and to address the resource issues in the Oregon budget.
2) Protect Access to Adult Support Services
The Staley Settlement Agreement has resulted in cost effective and efficient delivery of services to adults with developmental disabilities entitled to Medicaid services. Access to Adult Support Services provided through the system of nonprofit brokerages must be preserved.
Background: The Staley Settlement Agreement ends in June of 2011. There are discussions occurring to extend the Agreement but it is not a given that will happen. It is important to maintain the current service structure, services, and access to supports.
3) Memorandum of Understanding Needed between DHS and OHA
Seniors and People with Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Program must maintain the ability to operate services and implement quality assurance / quality improvement even if DHS no longer has the Medicaid Authority. There must be a detailed Memorandum of Understanding to protect the integrity of DD services.
Background: When DHS splits and OHA is created, the actual authority for Medicaid moves to OHA. A detailed agreement between the two agencies is needed to assure that the DD program can continue to implement and improve services.
4) Continue to Utilize the Fairview Community Housing Trust for its Intended Purposes
The Fairview Trust represents a promise made to Oregonians with developmental disabilties and families. By providing small amounts of funding for physical adaptations and accommodations, it fulfills a committment to community based living for hundreds of Oregonians with developmental disabilities each year.
Background: The Fairview Trust was established with the assets from the sale of the Fairview Training Center property. It is designed to serve generations of Oregonians with developmental disabilities.The funding is most often used for critical home modifications that address the health and safety issues. If the trust fund dollars are used by the state for other purposes, it is very unlikely that they would ever be replaced.
***Additional Public Participation Opportunity***
DHS and OHA have created new mission statements, and have created surveys that provide an additional opportunity for stakeholders to express their opinion regarding agency priorities. Please visit the DHS/OHA agency transition web site at www.oregon.gov/OHA/transition/vision.shtml to see the proposed mission statements and take the surveys.
NOTE: These surveys close on May 26! ACT NOW!
Online Courses on Disability, Self Determination, Disability History, Employment
Partners in Policymaking offers extensive online learning courses for you, your family and professional caregivers. Check out their offerings here.
Partners in Living
This seven-hour self-directed e-learning course has been created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the important concepts of self-determination, family support, community living and assistive technology. The course focuses on helping people with developmental disabilities, their family and friends explore these four important elements that, together, can help them create a meaningful life that is independent, inclusive, productive, self-determined and integrated.
Partners in Time
This eight-hour self-study was created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the history of society’s treatment of people with disabilities from ancient times through the present. The course focuses on the way that people with disabilities lived, learned and worked throughout history and growth of the Disability Rights Movement. The course also introduces some of the individuals and groups whose efforts resulted in new ways of thinking about people with disabilities and their rights.Partners in Education
This three hour self-directed course was created to help parents of children with developmental disabilities understand and maximize the special education system. The course focuses on a child’s right to a free appropriate public education, the laws that protect those rights and offers practical ways that parents can ensure that their children benefit from an inclusive education. The course has been updated to reflect IDEA 2004.
Making Your Case
This three hour self-study course is designed to help people with disabilities and their families create positive change through advocacy. The course helps participants understand the legislative process, the essential elements of good advocacy, identify and research personal issues, then advocate for systems change as individuals and as part of larger community efforts. The course includes opportunities to put what has been learned into practice through a series of interactive exercises.
Partners in Employment
This six-hour self-study course is designed to help people with developmental disabilities find meaningful jobs and plan a career. In this course, participants will create a resume or portfolio of their strengths, skills, and interests; learn how to network and identify potential employers; prepare for an interview; and understand the hiring process.
Dental Care Assistance for People with Disabilities Age 18 and Younger
The Doctor of Smiles Program for Special Needs Children with Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Down Syndrome and other neuromuscular conditions provides funding for dental care at the dentist of your choice for children 18 and younger.
This is sponsored by the Grottoes of North America.
Dental work must be approved BEFORE treatment will be funded (except for the initial exam, prophy, fluoride and x-rays which are paid for if the child qualifies for the program.) You can access more information including application forms at http://www.hfgrotto.org. Our local contact is Lloyd Fries, who can be reached at 503.357.6419.
Via the United Cerebral Palsy of Oregon and Southwest Washington newsletter.
Healthy Lifestyles: Dream It, Do It
Emerging Leaders Northwest, a program of the Oregon Institute on Developmental Disabilities at Oregon Health & Science University is proud to sponsor the 3rd annual Healthy Lifestyles: Dream It, Do It! Day Camp on August 9 – 13 at the Oregon Zoo.
Healthy Lifestyles: Dream It, Do It! is a fun, hands-on interactive experience designed to give youth with disabilities and chronic illness age 18 -25 the opportunity to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and become more independent. Feel free to disseminate the attached flyer and registration form to anyone you feel might be interested.
Scholarships are available. If you have questions please contact Charles Davis (details below).
Charles E. Davis, M.S.W.
Community Liaison and Administrative Manager, UCEDD
(503) 494.3281 (p)
Attention Vendors
If you’re a contractor for Independence Northwest customers, we’d like to hear from you. We’re considering direct deposit options for vendors. Please take a moment to give us your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Federal Hiring Event for People with Disabilities
- Have you explored opportunities to work for the Federal government, but were overwhelmed by the application process?
- Do you want to work in an environment that embraces diversity and inclusion and the talent you offer?
- Are you interested in a career opportunity with benefits and the potential for career progression?
- Are you a Veteran with a 30% or more disability rating who wants to extend your service to your Nation?
If so, now is the time for you to begin your career of service. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the U. S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) are sponsoring a historic day-long Federal Hiring Event for People with Disabilities. Representatives from many agencies will be reviewing resumes prior to the event, and inviting prospective candidates for interviews.
Review the Hiring Event information, as well as the Individuals with Disabilities page, or Veterans page on USAJOBS.gov. You must submit your resume to the following email address: Hiringevent@opm.gov no later than March 24, 2010. Documentation supporting your disability (e.g., proof of disability and job readiness certification letters) and/or veteran’s status (e.g., VA letter and DD-214) can be provided with your resume, or at the time you are interviewed. [Note: To ensure the hiring process moves quickly and to expedite the agency’s ability to make tentative offers, you are strongly encouraged to submit your supporting documentation along with your resume.]
Disabled veterans with less than a 30% rating or with non-service connected disabilities are encouraged to submit their resumes, along with proof of disability and job readiness.
If you need assistance submitting your resume or have any questions regarding this Event, including the type of documentation required please forward your inquiry to the following email address: Hiringevent@opm.gov
You will receive notification that your resume has been received. Agencies will review your resume and any supporting documentation provided. You may be invited to attend the Hiring Event via email for an interview with one or more agencies and for one or more available positions. Applicants who are scheduled for interviews must bring the required documentation to the Hiring Event, if not previously provided.
Click here to visit the FAQs section.
For additional information, please go to: http://www.usajobs.gov/DisabilityHiringEvent.asp .
New Oregon law protects Social Security, Veterans’ Benefits and other benefits from garnishment
A new Oregon law which went into effect on January 1, 2010 protects exempt public benefits and retirement benefits from garnishment when the funds are deposited into a bank or credit union account by direct deposit or electronic payment. The new law is found in Chapter 430, Oregon Laws 2009.
The following benefits are protected:
Social Security and SSI
Public assistance payments
Unemployment Compensation
Payments from a public or private retirement plan
Veterans Benefits
Workers Compensation
Black Lung benefits
If the payments are readily identifiable, the bank or credit union must protect any money in the account up to the amount of protected benefits received by direct deposit or electronic transfer in the prior calendar month. Some of these payments, such as Social Security or Veterans Benefits, may already be identified on your bank or credit union statement, but others, such as retirement plan payments, may not be easily identified unless you notify the bank or credit union.
In order to make sure that the funds may be identified, the law requires banks and credit unions to provide an affidavit form that customers may use to notify the bank or credit union to protect the funds. An affidavit form and instructions prepared by Oregon legal services programs are available here:
AFFIDAVIT — “Affidavit Notifying Financial Institution of Income Not Subject to Garnishment”
Benefit recipients should fill out the affidavit form following the instructions and take it to their bank or credit union. It is a good idea to do this even if the benefits are already identified on your bank statement just to make sure that the funds will be protected.
The new law also prohibits banks and credit unions from charging garnishment fees to the debtor if no funds are garnished from the debtor’s account.
Prior to January 1, 2010, these protected benefits were already exempt from garnishment under federal and state law, but any bank account could be garnished even if it contained such exempt benefits. The debtor then had to file a Challenge to Garnishment and go to court to recover the benefits. The court process often took several months during which time the debtor did not have use of their benefits for food, shelter, utilities, medical needs and other expenses. Even if the debtor eventually recovered the funds, they could owe hundreds of dollars in bank garnishment fees, overdraft fees, and late charges, and could face eviction, utility shut-offs and other hardships due to the loss of their benefits.
Under the new law, if the account contains more than the amount of benefits received in the prior month, the excess amount will still be garnished, and the debtor will still have to file a challenge to garnishment to recover any amounts which are exempt. For example, if a person receives direct deposit of Social Security benefits in the amount of $1,000 per month, but has a total of $1,500 in Social Security in their account when the bank receives the writ of garnishment, the bank will protect $1,000 and pay $500 to the creditor. But since all Social Security benefits remain exempt when placed in a bank account, the debtor can file a Challenge to Garnishment to get back the $500 that was paid to the creditor. On the other hand, if the $500 excess amount did not come from Social Security or other exempt benefits, the creditor would be entitled to keep the garnished funds.
Following is additional information which may be downloaded:
Notice of exempt property and instructions for challenge to garnishment
Challenge to Garnishment form
Information for Debtors – How to protect your assets from creditors in Oregon
Information courtesy Lane County Legal Services Programs. Thanks to Anna Keenan-Mudrich for the tip.
Free Tax Preparation and Financial Health Services through CASH Oregon
CASH Oregon is a community-based nonprofit organization committed to improving the financial health of working individuals and families. We provide free tax preparation for Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah counties in partnership with AARP Tax-Aide. CASH Oregon seeks to help low-income families and individuals in the tri-county area from every community and background. Through aggressive Earned Income Tax Credit outreach and free tax preparation with AARP Tax-Aide and financial advocacy, we provide families and individuals with the tools and resources to begin building solid financial futures.
Via 211