An Interview with Brokerage Association Leader Kathryn Weit
By Larry Deal
Executive Director, Independence Northwest
Communications Director, Oregon Support Services Association
I recently sat down with newly-appointed Oregon Support Services Association Executive Director Kathryn Weit to discuss her history, her thoughts on the brokerage system, the implementation of the K Plan, and where she sees brokerage services headed.
Kathryn has been a hugely influential player in services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities both in the northwest and nationally. She played an integral role in the development of brokerage services in Oregon and brokerages statewide could not be more pleased that she’s signed on to lead us into Oregon’s next phase of services. Sometimes the best way to figure out where you’re going is to remember how you got where you are. Our conversation started there.
Larry: What did services look like in Oregon twenty years ago?
Kathryn: Looking back fifteen years plus, prior to the filing of the Staley lawsuit and the creation of the brokerage system, Oregon was in the process of downsizing an institution and we had very, very long wait lists.
Larry: Wait lists for community-based-services?
Kathryn: For everything. I use the term wait list loosely because it really never was a wait list. It was a crisis list. If you went into crisis, you got services. There were very few services for adults except group homes. Any family of a child under 18 who needed any kind of support had to go through the Child Welfare system. And they had to say they were on the verge of having to place their family member out of home, usually into foster care. It had to be that serious before there was a possibility of getting in-home supports. The stories you’d hear families tell about trying to survive without any support and then having to say this. It was devastating.
Larry: And your son, Colin – you were in this situation with him, right?
Kathryn: When my son was sixteen, we had a major crisis in the family and we had to go the crisis route. We had to go to Child Welfare and we had to tell people why we couldn’t handle our situation any longer by ourselves. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.
Larry: And when you say services – what are we talking about here? What did these services look like?
Kathryn: Early on the services through Child Welfare were designed to support families with respite, in home support, and things like behavior support. Later the Developmental Disabilities Program created some very small, grant funded, family support programs for families with children under 18. It was later expanded to include families of adults. Services were extremely limited. For example in Multnomah County there were only fifty families who had access to supports. (Ed: for comparison, there are thousands in services in Multnomah County today.) It was very limited, but it gave advocates a model to draw from. First, someone needing supports got a “guide” (much like a Personal Agent) to help find and engage with community resources. And second, you got a little bit of funding. But for the first time it was funding that was family-controlled. The satisfaction level in that program was incredibly high. People thought it was amazing. And when the state asked, people told them that their “guide” was the most important thing. These pilot programs helped shape some of the understanding of policymakers.
Larry: The structure sounds very much like the structure and services offered by brokerages today.
Kathryn: Yes. Then later, before the Staley lawsuit was filed, the state applied for and received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant. The idea was to look at what was becoming a national agenda in terms of self-determination and to apply some of those principles to adult services. They set up a small model brokerage (Self-Determination Resources Inc.) and this really pushed systems change.
Larry: At the time, over 5,000 people were waiting for services, which led to Staley v. Kitzhaber.
Kathryn: If you consider both adults and children who were eligible but not receiving services, yes. Yes, the lawsuit was based on the fact that there were people who were eligible for services but denied them. The State chose to negotiate a settlement of the lawsuit.
Larry: After the lawsuit was settled, the state set out to develop services for everyone on the wait list. How did the brokerage model emerge?
Kathryn: Oregon chose very specifically to say: “This is Oregon, we have economic ups and downs, we are not a rich state, we cannot afford to provide 24 hour, seven days a week residential services to everybody on our wait list.” Many people don’t need that level of service. We learned that people are good decision makers about what they need in their lives when given support and guidance that’s meaningful to them. A crucial element was that families and individuals with disabilities needed to be in the leadership role. Through much discussion, stakeholders arrived at the conclusion that small, decentralized nonprofit and community-based programs would provide a solid foundation for choice-driven services.
Larry: And then we fast forward thirteen years. Oregon chooses to pursue higher federal funding through the Community First Choice Option (the K Plan.) What are your thoughts on this change?
Kathryn: I think that for years we have argued that we needed more resources in the DD system. We all know that there are people with significant support needs who aren’t receiving the level of supports that they actually require and need. We knew that the existing Support Services funding was not adequate for many people. I think the K is an incredible opportunity for Oregon to bring more resources into the state. The challenge is in the implementation.
Larry: Do you think the state expects us to deliver services differently now as a result of the K Plan’s implementation?
Kathryn: Well, additional resources are wonderful but we need to remain focused on the goals, the vision that people with disabilities, with appropriate supports, can create a full life, rich in friends and meaningful community connections, employment and significant relationships. It is what we want for all our children. There’s no reason we have to lose those values, though I believe they are significantly endangered. The K has forced change in what I believe are the fundamentals: self-determination, choice and control. We have moved to a system that is deficits-based. That being said, I think there are ways- could have been ways – that didn’t undermine these cardinal values. Brokerages are committed to keeping the conversation about these values alive. It hasn’t been popular because it isn’t easy. I think we all recognize that any kind of system change is difficult and that the implementation process is the hardest part. That being said I am struck by the lack of planning that has ignored the hydraulics of a lifespan service system, the failure to listen to the lessons learned in the past, and the failure to listen to operational wisdom of stakeholders. The result has caused long-held priorities to be turned inside out. We will continue to push for involvement in these conversations, before decisions are made. It is important to have our core values drive decision-making instead of being after-thoughts that are an inconvenience to the process.
Larry: You mentioned a deficits-based approach. This brings to mind the Functional Needs Assessment or Adult Needs Assessment, which is a tool we now use when people enter brokerage services. The tool measures a person’s support needs and determines what services they’re eligible for. When you think about having a needs assessment completed – well, that’s something many states require. This isn’t a new idea, it’s not out of left field. But what you’re saying is that it’s not the tool that is the concern, it’s the approach.
Kathryn: It’s the implementation that’s the problem. Most states have some kind of assessment like this – a functional needs assessment. I think the key is in how the process gets framed. I recently went through an assessment with my son. I think the person who did it is wonderful and I understand that time is short. But I would have liked to hear “What would he like to be doing? What would he like his life looking like?” It would help focus on the idea that these supports are being offered for a purpose. There is great power in starting an assessment by talking to someone about who they are and what they hope to be. It’s not just powerful for people with disabilities. It informs the way we all think and behave.
Larry: I think brokerages are focusing on goal development first and finding a way to fit the needs assessment in as naturally as possible. It’s a shift and we’re still learning how to make all the pieces fit. One of the bigger concerns right now is that the tool being used is temporary, just a placeholder. This is an untested experience and, as it stands right now, Oregon plans to change the assessment tool we’re currently using and replace it with a different tool by January of next year.
Kathryn: What we must not lose sight of is that this may be just a pilot project in some people’s eyes, but for the people going through this assessment having their support plans radically changed, there is nothing “pilot” about it. This is about their lives. It’s about getting the resources they need and are being told they’re entitled to under the new funding model. I think it’s a really important message that people making these decisions need to understand. This is not a pilot. These are people’s lives. Clearly, the introduction of any new assessment tool and process must be thoroughly planned and implemented in a way that does not disrupt the lives of customers and families or cause chaos in the system. January 2015 is too soon. The dust will have not settled from this last effort.
The Needs Assessment for Brokerage Customers: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going
By Larry Deal
Executive Director
You might have heard that there are some changes to the way brokerage services are administered and funded. One of the most significant changes is that all brokerage customers must now have a formal functional needs assessment at least once a year.
A functional needs assessment is a series of questions that asks what kinds of living supports a person needs to live independently in the community. Oregon has chosen the Adult Needs Assessment as its current tool. You may view the tool by clicking here. The assessment asks questions about what kinds of independent living supports you need, why you need them, and how often you need them. Once the assessment is completed, it determines certain services you are eligible for and how often you can access those services.
Brokerages have been actively involved in conversations with the state and other stakeholders regarding the implementation of the assessment. Since summer of 2013, brokerages were instructed that we would have a year from the time we received the assessment tool to implement the changes. The state spent several months developing what was to be a brand new needs assessment, but the tool was abandoned for myriad reasons. We received a final tool in November 2013 and immediately began conducting assessments as our customers’ plan years rolled over. Because we typically plan with our customers up to six weeks in advance of a plan’s start date, the first assessments we completed were for customers whose plan years began in January of this year.
Under the original plan, brokerages expected to complete all assessments by October of 2014 for the approximately 7,500 customers receiving our services statewide.
However, we were informed in February 2014 that an agreement between the state and federal oversight entities would force a significant shortening of that timeline. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) insisted that all assessments be completed within one year of when Oregon began receiving Community First Choice Option/K Plan dollars (July 1st, 2013.) Leadership in Oregon argued for more time. It wasn’t granted and the deadline was shortened. Instead of October, Oregon was now instructed to have all assessments completed by the end of June 2014 or risk losing its federal funding.
Brokerages expressed ample concern about this change – we would need to complete nearly 2,000 additional assessments in less than five months – and requested additional funding to add staff, hire contractors, or pay overtime to existing staff to meet the charge. Instead of funding brokerages, the state decided to deploy its own staff to complete the additional assessments.
Which brings us to the present.
As a system, we are faced with a June 30, 2014 deadline to complete all assessments. Last week, we sent out letters informing some of our customers that they would be receiving an assessment from a non-Independence Northwest assessor. We have been assigned three state employees (Rachel, Kay and Ana) to complete the assessments in Multnomah and Washington counties. For our Clackamas county customers, Robyn Hoffman (a Clackamas county employee) will be the primary assessor. If you didn’t receive a letter, you won’t be affected.
The staff of INW have met with the assessors and they all carry a great amount of experience working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Independence Northwest is providing designated office space, workstations, and meeting rooms for them and they have begun calling customers and scheduling assessments.
Here at Independence Northwest, we estimate that somewhere around 125 customers will receive their assessments from state or county staff. INW Personal Agents are responsible for conducting the remaining 300+ assessments. Additionally, a plan revision must be completed after each assessment. INW Personal Agents will be completing revisions for all 435 customers in our services, in addition to any necessary job description or contract amendments. The workload for our organization is significant and we are working hard to meet the charge.
Once this implementation phase is completed, your Personal Agent will meet with you at least annually to complete a needs assessment – usually right before your ISP meeting. The state and county involvement is a one-time situation to allow the state to catch up and meet the terms of their agreement with CMS. Moving forward, it becomes a part of our regular service delivery. We’ve posted a set of frequently asked questions. Check them out here.
The functional needs assessment implementation is one of many, many changes occurring in our system right now. Since last August, we have been holding community forums at least twice a month to update the community on what’s changing, why, and how. If you would like to learn more, join us for one of our upcoming sessions.
Additional Resources:
- INW Frequently Asked Questions on the Needs Assessment (March 2014)
- The Adult Needs Assessment Tool (Excel spreadsheet)
- The Adult Needs Assessment Tool (PDF)
- The Adult Needs Assessment Tool Manual (Released March 2014)
- The State of Oregon Developmental Disabilities Facebook page
- INW Blog Post: Big Changes in Oregon’s I/DD Service System Part One: The Functional Needs Assessment Tool (August 2013)
Next Craft Night Scheduled for April 8th, 2014 at 4:30 PM
April 2014 Community Forum Dates Announced – Learn About the Big Changes to Brokerage Services
Our April 2014 Big Changes in Brokerage Services Community Forum dates are set! Join us on Wednesday April 2nd from 10AM – 11:30AM or Wednesday April 23rd from 6PM – 7:30PM. Learn more about the K Plan, the upcoming needs assessment requirement, new options for case management, plans for a new universal ISP, changes to provider payment and rates, and much more. We’ve got lots of details to share. Join us!
RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950 or by emailing
Brokerage Association Announces New Leader: Kathryn Weit Hired as Executive Director
The Oregon Support Services Association (OSSA) is pleased to announce the hiring of Kathryn Weit as our Executive Director. Kathryn is well known as an advocate and leader for services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Her extensive history in our State includes participating in launching the Oregon Support Services Brokerage system, leading the Oregon Developmental Disabilities Coalition and serving as the Executive Director of the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Her primary roles are advisory to OSSA regarding advocacy needs on major policy, budget and customer issues for support services brokerages and the broader IDD system; representation of OSSA at key DHS, legislative and other organizational meetings; recommending advocacy actions to OSSA and to function as the key communicator for the association. Additionally, she will be working in support of spotlighting client success stories with the advent of the K plan and addressing implementation concerns identified in our current advocacy position, posted here for your information. Kathryn will report to the OSSA Board of Directors, which consists of the 13 Executive Directors of the Oregon Support Services Brokerages.
Kathryn is reachable at and 541-520-7461.
Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities Launches “Expect Me to Succeed, I Will” Campaign
The Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities kicked off DD Awareness Month at the Oregon State Capitol this past Friday. At the event, they premiered a brand new video: “Expect Me to Succeed, I Will.” Take a minute or two to check out this excellent message and beautifully executed content from OCDD. Great start to the month!
March 2014 Brokerage Changes Forums Filling Up Fast! Reserve Your Spot Today
Join Us for Craft Night on March 11th
Join us on Tuesday March 11th from 4:30 to 6:00 as INW and UCP Connections present the next Craft Night! This month Caitlyn and Jenny will lead participants with a fimo clay project. RSVP by calling Rachel at 503.546.2950 or emailing
ODDS Interim Director Pens Message to Community on Needs Assessments for Brokerage Customers
Just last week, ODDS Interim Director Trisha Baxter released a message geared toward families and customers. She will continue these messages on a monthly basis. In the message below, Trisha talks about the new Adult Needs Assessment, why it’s now a part of brokerage services, and what to expect. Thanks to Trisha for reaching out and developing clear communication on a complicated topic.
“Because it is important for you to have the best information for yourself and your families, I want you to know about the work that is happening in Oregon’s Developmental Disability Services (ODDS) program. Each month, I will be writing a new update for families and self-advocates so you’ll have the most current information. We will post the updates on the ODDS Facebook page and send them to your provider, CDDP or brokerage so they can get the update to you.
The new “K Plan” brings changes to some of our DD services, but leaves other services as they were and adds new services. To help you understand what the DD system now offers, ODDS created two new brochures, one for services to children and one for services for children and adults:
Services for Children:
Services for Children and Adults: and CDDPs will have these publications at their offices, but you can also print them from the links provided here.
I have heard many questions from families and self-advocates about the changes in ODDS services and one of the most common is about why we have to assess what you need before your Individual Support Plan (ISP) and what you can expect at your next assessment. I will address that in today’s message.
Why you have to have an assessment:
• In order to understand your goals, strengths, choices and needs as they relate to your disability, the K Plan requires Oregon to do a face-to-face assessment.
• The assessment helps ODDS and those who help you develop your ISP understand which services you need to help you meet your goals.
• You will have the assessment once a year, but you can ask for a new assessment before a year has passed if you want a new assessment.What to expect at your assessment meeting:
• You will be treated with respect.
• The person asking the questions will listen to you.
• ODDS needs to know about your goals and strengths, but also needs to know when you need help and what kind of help you need.
• During the assessment, you will be asked questions that will help ODDS understand what kind of supports will help you meet your goals.
• Before the assessment, you should think of all the different kinds of support you use. Think of the supports you use in the community, at work and at home.
• Remember: the assessment helps ODDS understand what you need to be successful, so stay positive and think about all the supports you need to meet your goals.I encourage you to send your questions to me and I will answer them. You can also find a lot of current information on our Facebook page at:“
Trisha Baxter
ODDS Interim Director and Chief Operating Officer
INW Presents a Free 3-Day Healthy Lifestyles Class in February
Healthy Lifestyles for People with Disabilities is a holistic wellness workshop designed for people with disabilities. The workshop embodies the self-determination model, and its ultimate goal is to give participants the tools they need to evaluate their lives and identify the areas in which they would like to improve to make positive changes.
The workshop is divided into five modules including: Emotional Health, Social Health, Physical Health, Spiritual Health & Health through Meaningful Activities. Be prepared to share stories, participate in fun exercise activities, identify your dreams and learn useful tools that will help you live a happy, healthy and fun life!
- When: Feb 12th, Feb 13th and Feb 14th from 8:30AM – 4:30PM
- Where: East Portland Police Precinct (737 SE 106th Ave in Portland
- Free lunch and snacks provided!
RSVP your space by calling Rachel at 503.546.2950 or emailing We look forward to seeing you there!
INW and UCP Connections Team up for February 11th Craft Night
The talented Jenny Child (INW) and Caitlyn Child (UCP Connections) have teamed up to bring you the first co-hosted Craft Night! Join them here at Independence Northwest on Tuesday, February 11th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. We’re located at 541 NE 20th Avenue Suite 103 in Portland, just off Glisan Street.
Be sure to RSVP to Rachel by emailing or calling 503.546.2950. We look forward to seeing you there!
Guest Blog: Proposed Rate Cuts to Provider Organizations Threaten Innovation

Sasha Vidales, Director of Creative Goal Solutions
Sasha Vidales, Director of Creative Goal Solutions, one of the most sought-after agencies in the Portland area is today’s guest blogger for the Independence Northwest blog. Below, she shares what this all means from a provider organization, small-business owner and concerned community member perspective.
“Proposed Rate Cuts to Provider Organizations Threaten Innovation”
By Sasha Vidales, Director of Creative Goal Solutions
While Oregon is moving to the K-Plan, many customers are seeing increased access to funding for their services. But simultaneously, provider organizations’ hourly rates are slated to be cut by almost 18%. Perhaps most affected by these cuts are smaller, local, grass-roots organizations who have sprung up in response to the diverse needs of brokerage customers; programs like Creative Goal Solutions, which I started in 2011 to offer fully-integrating community-based services to adults with developmental disabilities. Already operating on a shoe string budget and my personal investment, the proposed rate would unquestionably force Creative Goal Solutions to close its doors within just a couple of months.
The greatest detriment would be to the individual customers served by Creative Goal Solutions, customers like Annie Rose. When Annie Rose started working with Creative Goal Solutions, she had the same goals as most twenty-somethings—to move out on her own, get a job, have new life experiences, and exert her independence. Through working with CGS, she had the opportunity to explore her greater community in a group setting. “I like Creative Goal Solutions because it gets me out of the house. I like meeting new people. I discovered new foods…I enjoy going to the park… camping was lots of fun. I like going to the library and art showings.” Soon after her start, Annie decided to move into her own apartment. CGS staff helped her establish a routine around cooking and cleaning that would increase her success as she transitioned. Knowing the importance of community connectedness, staff also helped Annie explore her immediate community on foot and on bus to find new hang-outs. She now independently works out at her local community center and has some favorite local shops and cafes, all the while staying involved in CGS’ group community inclusion. A while later, Annie also took on various volunteer jobs. With staff support, Annie Rose works alongside community members and other customers to gain job skills and give back to her community.

Nightlife Group at local pub
We also provide fully-integrating recreation experiences. The programming is diverse, offering many activities not commonly accessible to people with developmental disabilities. We fill the monthly calendar with customer-preferred activities, such as bowling and libraries and unique experiences, such as attending the Feast of Guadalupe concert, Leech Botanical Gardens, and a tour of the Human Society. We also offer a Nightlife Group. Through this, many customers have their first experiences going to activities like stand-up comedy, salsa dancing and pub trivia. Additionally, our camping trips afford customers the opportunity to be away from home with a group of friends and foster budding friendships through exploring nature.
At Creative Goal Solutions, we continually challenge what others think possible. Those with seemingly significant barriers are equally engaged through our program. Oxana Betska, a mother of one such customer wrote, “[Though he is] nonverbal, he is very social. He wants to be around people, go places, learn new things… [at CGS] he is taught how to behave around other people, how to treat them properly. We can definitely see the progress he has made paying attention to the instructions he was given, evaluating the situation which can be new for him, becoming more independent and mature. The program has helped my son gain self-esteem. Through the program our son volunteers at the retirement center. He has a wonderful time there!”

Volunteering at Bike Farm
Writes Matthew Burk, customer and self-advocate, “I like the format where we meet at the office and board mass transit and go to different places like Fazio Farm, The Old Church for a lunch time concert, the Rose Garden up near the zoo, the zoo, and the game room down at PSU among other cool places. My favorite part of the program is that being a boy from SE Portland I get to see the other parts of the city that I never knew existed. If cuts were to be made I’m not sure what I would do. Without CGS I would go back to being a couch potato and having no routine.”
Despite our customer’s successes, we’ve experienced significant barriers when it comes to a functional and sustainable business model, having to fit a square peg in the proverbial round hole. Our program model of fully-integrating group experiences does not fit well in the current provider rate structure. Most traditional services are provided with one staff per one customer or take place in a facility. Our services don’t fit either of those models and our way of providing services comes with substantial added costs as well as barriers to be able to bill for the full rate. Despite these barriers, we’ve persevered. We’re proud to be one of the handful of truly unique, local, grass-roots organizations with truly unique services to offer.

Rock wall climbing
It’s hard to imagine the local impact of all of these customers losing the visibility and community presence that we’ve worked so hard to promote. Observing our customers’ growth in confidence and self-efficacy over the past two years has been one of the most impactful experiences of my life. Equally important, I’ve seen our community’s response to our customers. I believe that through our work, we’ve begun to shift how people understand disability. They are witnessing all that people with developmental disabilities are capable of contributing, and, with time, learning how essential they are to the fabric of our community.
We’ve accomplished a lot in just over two years. I have many more ideas that I’m actively implementing: a self-employment program, a healthy lifestyles group, and leveraging our culturally-competent, 50% Spanish-speaking staff to better engage Latino customers. Yet, my intense passion and enthusiasm is met with a very real possibility of closure. I’m working hard to push back against the proposed cuts. I’ve co-formed a coalition of small provider organizations, including On-the-Move Community Integration and Trellis to express our alarm and the potential impact of cuts. We’re meeting with decision-makers at the State level as well as other affected provider organizations. I am also counting on the support of families, professionals, self-advocates, community members and the decision-makers at DHS to halt rate cuts and make the growth and development of our innovative program, and others like it, to flourish… for the betterment of our customers and the betterment of our communities.
Sasha Vidales has worked in community services for 14 years in mental health, policy research, training development, case management, quality assurance and other capacities. She has a BA in Psychology and an MBA in Organizational Behavior and is trained as an Autism Specialist and Social Sexual Consultant. Sasha founded Creative Goal Solutions in 2011 because of her belief in and commitment to strong communities. She knows that strengthening communities requires meaningful and full integration for all people. If you are interested in learning more or joining the coalition, contact Sasha at
Join Us for a Community Forum at INW this Month
Independence Northwest continues its community outreach on big changes to brokerage and I/DD services in Oregon. Since August, we’ve held many highly successful community forums presenting to over 400 community members – and we’ve got two more scheduled for the month of January!
Join us if you’d like to learn more about the K Plan, the upcoming needs assessment requirement, new options for case management, plans for a new universal ISP, changes to provider payment and rates and much more.
Remember to RSVP by calling our front desk 503.546.2950. You may also email us at Space is limited, so reserve your space at one of our evening or day sessions today!
Big thanks to all the families, customers, providers and community members who have joined us in the past few weeks. Your questions, comments, concern and input continue to make a difference in the restructure of the I/DD system!
Seeking Brokerage Customers for Video Project to Train Personal Support Workers
The Oregon Technical Assistance Corporation (OTAC) is looking for a limited number of people who receive DD services to interview and video. They will use interviews and video to develop trainings for direct support professionals. Participants will receive a small stipend for their time.
OTAC staff would like to hear from Oregonians with disabilities who receive services and their family members. Participants must be willing to be videotaped talking about their lives. People are encouraged to share only details that they are comfortable sharing.
Here are some topics they may ask you about:
- home life
- work or school life
- job skills or interests
- a “typical good day” and a recent “bad day”
- interests, hopes and dreams
- the role of PSWs in your life
- Other topics of interest to you
OTAC’s goal is to end up with video clips of the person or family member talking to use in the trainings. Good candidates should be able to talk freely (independently or with a support person).
Please call Josiah or email if you are interested! If you are, he will give OTAC your contact information so they can get in touch with you.
Josiah’s phone number is 503-875-9060. His email is
Please note: this is not limited to brokerage customers – anyone receiving services can participate. Also, the training is not just for Personal Support Workers – it will benefit all types of Direct Support Professionals.
State Announces Payment Systems Change Delay; Provider Enrollment Agreements Still Needed
Dear Providers,
Yesterday, newly-appointed ODDS Interim Director Trisha Baxter announced that Oregon is putting the brakes on its move to centralize payment to providers of brokerage services.
The new target date for the change is now July 1st, 2014.
For quite some time, there has been great concern amongst brokerages, providers, and customers regarding what has been a rather rocky implementation process. Payment to our essential provider base must be top priority for our community and system. We applaud ODDS’ move to delay for solid planning and pledge to work with the Department on development of a thoughtful and thorough approach to this transition.
That said, all providers still need to turn in their Provider Enrollment Application and Agreement. Regardless of how long this process takes, one thing is certain: you will need a provider number to do business in Oregon. It’s in your best interest and in the best interest of your customers that you take this important step now.
To recap:
- Continue to send your timesheets and invoices to INW as you always have. We’ll continue payment to you until at least June of 2014.
- If you haven’t sent in your Provider Enrollment Agreement, do so now. This is an essential action on your part, regardless of changing timelines. The state should then follow up with you and provide you details on how to sign up and sign in to the eXPRS payment system.
- If you have turned in your PEAA and have received no response back from the State, contact them directly at
- Additionally, all providers must have a criminal history check completed every two years.
Thanks for your work and support of our community. Stay warm out there!
Larry Deal
Executive Director
11/25/2013 Update on Provider Payment Changes and Provider Enrollment into the State’s System
Dear Providers,
There continue to be hold-ups on the State’s move to take over payment to providers of brokerage services.
Representatives from the Office of Developmental Disabilities Services promise there’s continued work on a solid plan, but as of right now they have produced no clear plans or feasible timelines. What we do know is this:
- Payment will not be coming through the State effective January 1st, 2014
- We will continue to provide your payment until an appropriate plan is developed and agreed upon.
Given the amount of work left to do during implementation, our best guess is a transition several months into the new year at this point.
If you haven’t sent in your Provider Enrollment Agreement, do so now. This is an essential action on your part, regardless of changing timelines.
If you have turned in your PEAA and have received no response back from the State, contact them directly at (We initially thought we would be able to send out emails for those who had provider numbers, but the information we have received from the State isn’t in a format that allows us to do so given our limited resources.) Please email the State for assistance on this matter.
Many of you have received requests for W4s, I9s, and Direct Deposit forms. (Oddly, this request also went to Independent Contractors, a designation of providers who do not utilize W4s or I9s in their business practice.) Stranger still, we understand that you’re being told to submit items to brokerages. We have already processed these forms during your initial qualification and we cannot process them a second time. Please send your W9s, I9s, Direct Deposit forms directly to the State at:
ATTN: eXPRS User Enrollment
500 Summer Street NE E-12
Salem, OR 97301
Finally, provider organizations who need a provider number should be hearing from the State shortly. We are aware of a transmittal being developed and have heard it should be out within the next week or so.
Unfortunately, the State has not provided a phone number to field your questions. If that changes, we will update you and share the resource. We will continue to update you as we have more clear information. Thank you for your continued patience during this process. Rest assured that your payment will continue to come through us in the interim while these bureaucratic and procedural tangles are dealt with.
Tomorrow 11/26/2013: Join Us at the Portland Public Schools Community Transition Resource Fair from 12 – 7
Join Us at the Portland Public School Transition Resource Fair tomorrow from 12 noon to 7PM. The fair will be held on the Green Thumb campus: 6801 SE 60th Avenue in Portland. INW will be there along with the other metro area brokerages. We’ll also be putting on a couple of presentations related to brokerage services. See you there!
- 1:00- Transition Requirements: Setting the Stage for successful Movement from High School to Adulthood
- 1:30- PCC Disabilities
- 2:00-Portland Public Schools
- Community Transition Program
- 2:30- Brokerage Service Basics
- 3:15- Changes to Brokerage Services
- 4:00- Transition Students and Alumni
- 4:45- Plan for Work: Work Incentives Planning and Assistance- Plan for Work
- 5:30- Phame/Club Impact
Meet up with many organizations supporting adults with I/DD in our community, including:
- PPS Transition Program
- Student-Run Businesses
- PCC- Culinary Program
- PCC- Skills Center
- PCC-Disability Services
- Incight
- Trips Inc.
- Special Olympics
- Off the Couch
- Club Impact
- Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp
- Oregon RISE
- 211 Info.
- IEP Partners
- Safety Zone
- Oregon First
- Disability Rights of Oregon
- Autism Society of Oregon
- FACT Oregon
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Portland Habilitation Center- PHC
- CTP Vocational Training
- DePaul- Project Search
- Pathways to Independence
- Independence Northwest
- Inclusion
- Mentor Oregon Brokerage
- UCP Connections
- Multnomah County Aging and Disabilities
- Multnomah County DD
- WIPA Program
- RideWise
- Albertina Kerr
- On the Move
Join INW in December for a Community Forum on the Big Changes Happening in Brokerage Services
Independence Northwest continues its community outreach on big changes to brokerage and I/DD services in Oregon. Since August, we’ve held many highly successful community forums presenting to over 300 community members – and we’ve got two more scheduled for the month of December!
Join us if you’d like to learn more about the K Plan, the upcoming needs assessment requirement, new options for case management, plans for a new universal ISP, changes to provider payment and rates and much more.
Remember to RSVP by calling our front desk 503.546.2950. You may also email us at Space is limited, so reserve your space at one of our evening or day sessions today!
Big thanks to all the families, customers, providers and community members who have joined us in the past few weeks. Your questions, comments, concern and input continue to make a difference in the restructure of the I/DD system!
Update for Providers Regarding Provider Numbers and Forthcoming Payment Changes
Dear Providers for Customers of Independence Northwest,
I’m writing to give you a general update regarding upcoming changes to provider payments. There’s been a flurry of activity around this topic in recent weeks and here’s the latest as we know it.
As you know, the State of Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services plans to take over payments to brokerage providers in the near future. The deadline has changed multiple times and their current public target is January 1st, 2014.
In preparation for this change, all providers must obtain a Provider Number. In order to receive a Provider Number, you must turn in a Provider Enrollment Application and Agreement (Word or PDF). The Provider Number will allow you to go into the State’s payment system and make your claims. Without this number, you won’t be paid.
Many of you have contacted us via phone, email, on Facebook and in-person concerned because you submitted the required paperwork, yet you’ve heard nothing from the State. Communication and direction has been spotty, for sure.
Here’s how INW can help.
A day ago, the thirteen support services brokerages received a spreadsheet from the Oregon Home Care Commission. This spreadsheet contains the names and contact information for about 3,400 providers statewide. It includes assigned Provider Numbers. We are currently in the process of sorting through the list to determine which providers are attached to Independence Northwest.
- If your name is on the list, we will email you your Provider Number early next week. (Some providers are getting email notifications with their Provider Number from the Home Care Commission and some aren’t, so you may receive this info twice.)
- If your name is not on the list, we will email you early next week and tell you that the State has not assigned you a Provider Number yet. This may be because you didn’t submit a PEAA or perhaps the State hasn’t processed your PEAA yet. We have no way of knowing which is the case (or if there are other variables), so concerned providers will need to follow up with the State at that point by emailing At this time, the State has not provided a direct contact person or phone number. If that changes, we will update you.
We expect to receive updated Provider Number lists from the State from time to time, but don’t yet know what the frequency will be. As we receive those lists, we will update you where applicable.
If you haven’t submitted your Provider Enrollment Application and Agreement, please don’t delay – do it today. As of right now, less than half of the Personal Support Workers in the State have been assigned Provider Numbers. It’s essential everyone is assigned a number on or before Monday, December 2nd, 2013. We can’t let a bureaucratic change affect payment for essential services to adults with I/DD.
Brokerages will continue payment (at the very least) through the end of 2013. As deadlines shift, we’ll keep you informed. You will continue to send your invoices and time sheets directly to your customer’s Personal Agent, as before.
To Recap:
- If you haven’t sent in your Provider Enrollment Agreement, do it now.
- If you have turned it in and we send you a notice saying the State hasn’t included you on its list, contact them via email at
- Continue to send your timesheets and invoices directly to us at Independence Northwest. We will notify you when the State is formally taking over payment. Even after the State takes over payment, you’ll still send proof of services to us for review.
- The State will take over payment to you sometime in the new year. They are planning trainings and support for providers to get acclimated to the eXPRS system. Hold tight, information forthcoming.
We promise to communicate changes with you quickly to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. We are continuing our series of customer and community forums and welcome you to join us. It’s a great place to discuss the changes with other community members and get the latest details. I also encourage you to Like us on Facebook and subscribe to the Independence Northwest Blog to get updates as we have them.
Thank you for the essential work you do for our customers, their families and the community at large.
Larry Deal
Executive Director
PS – Provider organizations with current eXPRS log in information need not be concerned with this notice. As I currently understand it, provider organizations who are awaiting a Provider Number and eXPRS log-in will be contacted in the next week or so by the State.
Everyone Cooks: Let’s Get Cooking! Monthly Class Starts in November
Everyone Cooks: Let’s Get Cooking!
- What: Join a cooking skills practice group!
- Where: Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th in Portland
- When: Third Wednesdays of each month Nov – June from 4 – 7PM
Interested in learning and practicing how to prepare a variety of delicious and healthy dishes without a range or too much knife work? Come learn with us!
- $5 per session – all fees go toward covering the cost of ingredients
- Accessible for all – We’ll use techniques and utensils well suited to adults with disabilities, seniors and those with limited space or appliances.
- Cook up community! – Be part of a welcoming, positive social environment with neighbors of all ages and backgrounds
Please note: There’s a preliminary organizing meeting from 4 – 5PM on November 6th!
This group is led by Eleanor Bailey, an adult experiencing Down Syndrome and an advocate for people with disabilities. The group is also supported by Kitchen Commons, the Hollywood Senior Center and students in the Wholistic Nutritional Program at the Wellspring School for Healing Arts.
Please bring your own personal support if needed. If your support person will be enjoying the meal as well, please have him or her contribute $5 to cover the cost of ingredients as well.
RSVP before each session – reserve a spot by calling the Hollywood Senior Center at 503.288.8303!
Join INW in November for a Community Forum on the Big Changes Happening in Brokerage Services
Independence Northwest continues its community outreach on big changes to brokerage and I/DD services in Oregon. In the last eight weeks we’ve held nine highly successful community forums presenting to nearly 190 community members – and we’ve got two more scheduled for the month of November! (We will also be presenting details about the changes at the upcoming Portland Public Schools Transition Fair the week of Thanksgiving. Details forthcoming.)
Join us if you’d like to learn more about the K Plan, the upcoming needs assessment requirement, new options for case management, plans for a new universal ISP, changes to provider payment and rates and much more.
Remember to RSVP by calling our front desk 503.546.2950. You may also email us at Space is limited, so reserve your space at one of our evening or day sessions today!
Big thanks to all the families, customers, providers and community members who have joined us in the past few weeks. Your questions, comments, concern and input continue to make a difference in the restructure of the I/DD system!
ATTN: Providers – Updated Information on Payments and Provider Enrollment Agreement Timelines
Providers, Customer Employers, and Community Members,
As you have likely heard by now, the State of Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) has been moving toward changing the way providers of brokerage services are paid.
Since 2001, brokerages have operated as a fiscal intermediary for our customers and we have been responsible for provision of provider payment. For many years, DHS has shared its intent to update its systemic capabilities and pay providers of brokerage services directly instead. It looked like 2013 would be the year things changed.
In May of 2013, DHS sent out a missive to all Personal Support Workers, which included a copy of a Personal Support Worker Provider Enrollment Application and Agreement. The mailer stated “completion of this document is required for you to be on the State Registry” and that “by signing this agreement the state will issue a provider number which will be necessary for payment on or prior to October 1, 2013.”
However, the state’s payment change efforts have experienced continued delays and as a result of these delays payment will continue through brokerages for the time being. We are being told that January 1st, 2014 is the new target date for when you’ll be paid directly through the State.
Our office has begun receiving multiple calls from providers concerned about their payment and where it will come from as a result of the registry and the October 1st, 2013 deadline. We request two things:
1. Please continue to send your invoices and time sheets to Independence Northwest as you always have. We will follow our regular payment schedules for providers and you should experience no disruption in payment.
2. If you have not yet completed a Provider Enrollment Agreement, we implore you to do so. While we can’t be certain the new January 1st, 2014 date will be met, we know that eventually you *will* receive payment through the DHS payment system and you must be set up in order to avoid delay in payment. It’s imperative you have a provider number assigned to you before being paid. Please take a moment to take care of this important piece of business.
Thank you for your continued partnership, efforts and support of our customer base. And thank you for your patience during the current transition.
*Please note: We were told by state employees that provider organizations who are not already set up in the state’s payment system will receive a provider number via the state’s licensing unit. If you have questions about this, please contact Larry Deal at Thanks.
Fri Oct 4: Next Self Advocates Taking Action Meeting at INW
Join Self-Advocates Taking Action, a NEW self-advocacy group in Portland for people with developmental disabilities who want to speak up.
What: October Meeting
Agenda: Talk about the vision and mission of our group and advocacy for our community
When: Friday, October 4th 2pm
Where: Independence Northwest 541 NE 20th Avenue Suite 103
Why: Meet new friends, share ideas, learn new things, and have fun
For more information, contact Gayle (503-239-3407) or Kaaren (503-287-7946).
1st Annual Cuts for a Cause Event a Great Success!
Yesterday was not only the first day of autumn – it was also the 1st Annual Cuts for a Cause Benefit for Independence Northwest. Heritage Barbershop, a local Portland business, sponsored the event offering free haircuts and styles to brokerage customers and their caregivers. Despite the blustery weather, we had a great turnout and the event raised $600 for the Independence Northwest Emergency Fund! The Emergency Fund helps people with intellectual/developmental disabilities in times of need.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Heritage Barbershop’s owner, Brian Porteous, for this event. What a guy. Brian pulled together a fantastic raffle including donated goods and gift certificates from local businesses including:
- Meat for Cats and Dogs
- Ole Ole
- Mudra Massage
- Appetite
- Boys Fort
- The Portland Soup Company
- Heritage Barbershop
Huge thanks to these businesses for donating to this cause. We appreciate your support! For those who couldn’t stick around until 4PM for the raffle drawing, we’ll be notifying winners by phone shortly.
Additionally, we’d like to extend gratitude to the barbers Jen Mattson and Tariq B for volunteering their professional services to our customers and their caregivers. They did a fantastic job and gave some very fine cuts yesterday. And big thanks to Lorissa Prestwood Porteous, provider De Linda French Davis, INW Operations Director Ron Spence, and INW Board President Bill Beckett for helping the event run so smoothly!
This was truly a community event and we look forward to the 2nd Annual Cuts for a Cause event next summer!
Join Us in October for a Community Forum on Big Changes in Brokerage Services
10/04/2013: Please note – we have cancelled the October 7th forum. Please join us on either the 9th or 21st!
Independence Northwest continues its community outreach on big changes to brokerage and I/DD services in Oregon. In the last six weeks, we’ve held six highly successful community forums presenting to nearly 150 community members – and we’ve got three more scheduled for the month of October.
Join us if you’d like to learn more about the K Plan, the upcoming needs assessment requirement, new options for case management, plans for a new universal ISP, changes to provider payment and rates and much more.
Remember to RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950. You may also email her at Space is limited, so reserve your space at one of our evening or day sessions today!
Big thanks to all the families, customers, providers and community members who have joined us in the past few weeks. Your questions, comments, concern and input continue to make a difference in the restructure of the I/DD system!