National Disability News Resource

Disability Scoop is the first and only nationally focused online news organization serving the developmental disability community including autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, fragile X and intellectual disability, among others.

Five days each week Disability Scoop sifts through the clutter to provide a central, reliable source of news, information and resources. Plus, Disability Scoop is the only place to find original content and series like “Scoop Essentials” that take an in-depth look at what lies beyond the day’s headlines.

The Oregon Disability Chamber – Assistance with Entrepeneurship

The Oregon Disability Chamber represents the economic development interests for entrepreneurs with disabilities starting or expanding their businesses. According to the national census report people with disabilities have a higher rate of self-employment and small business experience (12.2%) than people with out disabilities (7.8%).
The Oregon Disability Chamber represents the economic development interests for entrepreneurs with disabilities starting or expanding their own businesses.

Starting and running your own business is a difficult task. There are special incentives and programs that the Oregon Disability Chamber members are knowledgeable and experienced with. We can help you or someone you know take their special skills or interests and turn them into profitable business ventures; programs that will not only make them self-sufficient and productive but give them confidence and assertiveness.

Let these programs work for you and get the support of our enthusiastic members who have started their own businesses and can help you with all your questions and problems.

FACT Family Center—The IEP: What Parents Need to Know

The IEP:  What Parents Need to Know from 8:45am – 12:00pm on January 30th, with a special session from 12:30pm on Transition to Kindergarten—parents of children transitioning into kindergarten are invited to stay for a more focused look on this important milestone.

Workshop will be conducted by Victoria Haight, Regional Trainer with the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center (OrPTI), Christine Shank, Attorney from Disability RIghts Oregon, and Roberta Dunn, Executive Director of Family and Community Together (FACT).  Topics to be covered will include:

  • the Individual Education Program (IEP) process
  • understanding the IEP document
  • writing goals
  • the importance of parental involvement on the IEP team
  • how to advocate for your child

Registration required. For any questions, and to ensure that we have enough space and materials, please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing

Click here to download the flyer.

An Update from Vote Yes for Oregon Campaign Director

From Vote Yes For Oregon Campaign Director Kevin Looper

Really, you don’t want to be that person.

In twenty years of politics, I’ve talked to that person hundreds of times.

After a close election, that person always comes up and says the same thing: “Oh my, I had NO IDEA it was going to be such a tight election, or I’d have done more to help.”

That person usually speaks without meeting my eyes. I do the same. It’s an awkward conversation to have, what with both of us looking at each other’s shoes. So let me please just tell you now:

The vote on Measures 66 & 67 is gonna be close.

When we took up this fight, the Oregonian headline said “Proponents bet against history on tax votes.” No one thought we had a chance. Now the polls say we are ahead, but this is no time to relax. Polls measure opinions, but our job is to chase votes.

A lot of motivated, early voters are against us. No one really loves taxes. But some people really, really hate them, and those people are guaranteed to vote. Tobacco lobbyists and bank executives don’t have to go door to door to get out right-wing voters.

It’s a different story with our base. I hope my mom will forgive me for saying this, but the good people of Portland and Eugene could use a little kick in the pants. Especially the young ones — and in this election, a young voter is under 60 (congratulations to all of you who qualify!).

It’s amazing to see hundreds of people on the phone every night, and the power of more than 900 people canvassing last weekend alone. But we need more. We need you. Go to:

No matter where you are in the state, you can do something to help.

So please, before it is too late, volunteer ( Don’t worry about the rain. This is a once-in-a-lifetime political moment. We have the chance to make history, change the balance of power in Salem between school funding and social service advocates and the big corporate lobbyists, while preserving about a billion dollars worth of funding for schools, seniors, health care and public safety. This will only happen with your help (

If, for some reason, you really can’t make it in, go to our website and donate $100 so we can run another radio spot or $500 for a cable ad:

Don’t read this and think, “I’ll do it later.” Sign up right now – –  before you forget, or someone asks you to do something else.

Oregon is a great place because great people like you care about it. Don’t miss your chance to shape its future. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and we need every free moment you have dedicated to helping secure this vote. ‘Cause, as I hope you heard me say, it’s gonna be close.

And come January 26th, I want to be able to look all of you in the eyes, smile, and say, “We did it.”


Kevin Looper

Campaign Director, Vote Yes for Oregon

OPB’s Think Out Loud TV/Radio Show on Measures 66/67

OPB’s Think Out Loud Radio and TV Show. From OPB:

Be part of the audience for a special Think Out Loud radio and TV show about Measures 66 and 67 on Thursday January 21st. Doors open at 6 pm. Show begins at 7 pm. It all takes place right here at OPB. No RSVP required and all are welcome! Or, of course, get the conversations started online now!