Oregon POLST Registry
Contact the Registry: 503-418-4083 / toll free: 877-367-7657
Fax or eFax POLST form to Registry: 503-418-2161
The Oregon POLST Registry is an electronic record of POLST forms designed to provide orders to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) if the POLST form cannot be immediately found.
- Video: The Oregon POLST Registry (RealPlayer required)
- OAR 333-270
- House Bill 2009 (Registry)
- June 2009 POLST form
- Order POLST forms online
- News & Events
What is the Oregon POLST Registry?
It is a secure electronic record of your POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) orders. The registry allows emergency health care professionals treating you to access your POLST if the original POLST form cannot be found.
How does the registry work?
Emergency healthcare professionals can call trained emergency communication specialists who will relay your POLST orders once they have confirmed your identity.
Do I have to send my POLST to the Registry?
No one is required to have a POLST form and you may opt out of the Registry by checking the “opt out” box on the back side of the form. If you do not opt out, your POLST form will be placed in the Registry to be sure your wishes are followed in a crisis.
How do I get my form into the Registry?
You or your health care professional may fax or mail a copy of both sides of your POLST form. New POLST forms include your address, lass four digits of your social security number and your gender.
How will I know my POLST is in the electronic Registry?
You will receive a confirmation letter with your Registry ID Cumber when your POLST form has been added to the Registry.
Where should my Registry ID magnet go?
Your mailed confirmation packet will have a Registry ID magnet. We recommend you place this on your refrigerator.