Check out this excellent resource from the folks at FACT (Family and Community Together):
Finding and Keeping Inclusive Child Care–A Parent’s Notebook
Inclusive child care is the term used to describe a child care setting where children—both with and without a disability—are cared for together. By a disability we mean a developmental or a physical disability, an emotional/behavioral disorder, or a special health care need. The child who experiences the disability is included in all activities using whatever modifications are necessary. Providers make simple changes in the typical activities and routines to meet the needs of your child. Barriers to participation are removed whenever possible and there is an emphasis placed on the strengths, interests and experiences of all the children in care.
Inclusive child care is not a situation where the child with a disability is merely in the same room or facility with children that do not experience disabilities. Parental rights with regard to inclusive child care are a part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
This notebook (in English and Spanish) was developed as a guide for parents with information as to options and resources for child care, to be shared with care providers as a resource notebook. The notebook can be used as a way to introduce your child. Templates are included which can be personalized with photos, articles, contacts, so as to be shared with your child care provider to help them to be a part of your child’s team. With the notebook, care providers can become familiar with children who experience disability and be better equipped to fully include all children.