Incight Presents: Life After High School: Moving on to College and Employment

When: Thursday March 18th, 2010

Time: 9:30 to 1:30

Where: NW Natural Building

220 N. W. Second Avenue,

Portland, OR

Only $3 per person – Scholarships Available

Register ASAP – Space is Limited

Pre-registration is required by Friday, March 11th.

Each School can bring up to 10 students.

To Register or if you have any questions please call Incight at:

971-244-0305 or send an email to

Agenda Highlights

Hear from college students with disabilities about their success and challenges!

Ask questions and get answers from a panel of employers who are hiring!

Learn how to advocate for yourself in the workplace and at school!

Get help planning for college or employment!

Lunch will be provided!

Intended Audience:

Student and Young Adults with Disabilities (on an IEP or 504 plan) Teachers

YTP Coordinators Case Managers School Administrators School Counselors