The Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) Gateway Project is a collaboration between Oregon Health & Science University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Portland State University, and the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. The Gateway Project aims to serve as a gateway to research that is committed to the following values:

  • Inclusion: Studies have been developed in collaboration or consultation with individuals on the autistic spectrum.
  • Respect: Strengths-based and respectful perspectives and language are used in all phases of research including reporting.
  • Accessibility: Every attempt is made to create research participation materials that are physically and culturally accessible to all participants.
  • Relevance: Research questions are relevant and useful to the autistic adult community.

AASPIRE is conducting a series of online research studies using the AASPIRE Gateway on topics such as healthcare, online sense of community, and problem solving. AASPIRE is recruiting participants with and without disabilities and participants on the autistic spectrum.

Who can participate: Participants must be 18 years or older and must have access to the Internet. Participants may reside anywhere in the world, but all research studies will be in English.

How to participate: You can learn more about the AASPIRE Gateway Project by going to the Registration section and reading a detailed Information Sheet. Once you have read the Information Sheet, you will be asked if you would like to participate in the Gateway Project. If you decide to participate, you will need to register by entering an e-mail address and creating a password.

<!–More information about the communities and workgroups can be found on the Structure page.

More information about specific members can be found on the Members page.

More information about our projects can be found on the Projects page.
