Caregivers Can Get Cash Back on Care Products

Caregivers Market Logo

The Caregivers Marketplace is the nation’s first cash back program for anyone who gives, gets or needs care. Caregivers can receive cash back on eligible products that are not typically covered by insurance or Medicare – no matter where those products are purchased. The program is free with sponsorships from dozens of companies like Depend Products, Aspercreme, Cirucel, Cottonelle, Ensure, Gold Bond, Nature Made, Os-Cal, Kaopectate and IcyHot. It works a lot like rebate programs do and could save your household some cash.

The company also has a helpful newsletter – check out the latest issue here.

Free Healthcare for MESD Students K-6

Kaiser Permanente, in partnership with schools and the Multnomah Education Service District, is offering free health insurance to grade K-6 children attending Multnomah County public schools. The insurance is free – there is no premium – but families must pay a small co-pay for office visits and prescriptions. Once enrolled, children are covered through age 19 if they remain in school.

To qualify, children must meet three main requirements:
* Attend school – Children must attend a public school in Multnomah County. Charter schools and publicly funded alternative programs also qualify.
* Grades K-6 – To enroll, children must be in grades K-6. Siblings can also be covered if they are age 3 or older (through 12th grade).
* Income – Families must earn 250 percent or less of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, this is about $4,600 per month, or $53,000 per year.

Kaiser offers the insurance as part of its community benefit program, which, among other goals, seeks to expand access to medical care for the uninsured. About 4,000 children already are covered through this no-premium plan; Kaiser and MESD want to double enrollment by the end of the year. In addition to the Kaiser insurance, the Oregon Health Plan offers low-cost health insurance to children from families that earn up to 185 percent of the federal poverty level. According to the latest census data, 107,000 Oregon children – about one in nine – lacked health insurance in 2005-07, the latest period for which data are available. For questions about the Kaiser program or the Oregon Health Plan, or to enroll, contact MESD: 503-257-1732,
via ORPTI Blog