Announcing the 1st Annual CUTS FOR A CAUSE Benefit for INW Customers – Sept 22, 2013
We’re proud to announce what we hope will become an annual tradition: Cuts For a Cause, an event on Sunday, September 22nd, that will offer free haircuts to our customers and their caregivers and will raise money for our emergency fund, a small pool of money we keep to help out our customers in times of extreme need. We will be partnering for this event with Heritage Barbershop, a newly-opened business that has generously offered the time and talent of its barbers to make this event possible.
- What: Cuts For a Cause, a fun benefit offering free haircuts to Independence Northwest’s customers and their caregivers
- Where: Heritage Barbershop, 22137-B East Burnside in Portland
- When: Sunday September 22nd from 11 am to 4 pm
Remember, all free haircuts must be schedule ahead of time. Please call today to reserve a spot. Contact Rachel at 503.546.2950.
Concern Over Talk of Reduction in Pay to Providers
By Ron Spence, Operations Director and
Larry Deal, Executive Director
Last Tuesday, August 20th, Independence Northwest hosted a community forum focusing on the big changes afoot in brokerage services and how those changes will affect providers and the provider community. We had an excellent turnout and lively conversation. A couple dozen providers (primarily Independent Contractors and a few Domestic Employees) came together to discuss upcoming systemic shifts including a change to how providers will be paid and quite possibly, how much they’re paid. As mentioned in earlier articles published by Independence Northwest, these changes are a result of the K Plan and poor audit findings. Read more about that here.
Significant Rate Reductions Potentially Ahead for Providers?
At present, SEIU (Service Employees Union International) and the State of Oregon Department of Human Services are in the process of bargaining rates for SEIU’s provider members. Thanks to House Bill 3618, all Domestic Employees and the majority of Independent Contractors serving brokerage customers are represented by SEIU. You’ll often hear these providers referred to as PSWs [Personal Support Workers] as a result).
Elvyss Argueta, an SEIU organizer who showed up to Tuesday’s forum, dropped a bombshell when he announced that there is movement by the State in current negotiations to reduce the top amount an Independent Contractor can be paid from $24 per hour to a paltry $14.00.
On Wednesday, August 21st, 2013, SEIU sent an email blast out to its members confirming Elvyss’s claims. Per SEIU: “We met with the state last Tuesday and bargained into the evening… The State is continuing to press for significant cuts to Independent Contractor rates … (and) is proposing that Independent Contractors’ current wages will only be kept whole until July 2014, at which point IC wages will drop to $14 per hour. This is unacceptable.”
We agree. Dropping rates down to such a measly rate would create a true crisis for the providers affected and the families and customers who receive services from them. There’s really no way to sugarcoat this. If SEIU’s claims become a reality, this type of service provider (with very few exceptions) will cease to exist as an option for brokerage customers.
Understanding the “Wage” of an Independent Contractor
First things first: employees and contractors are completely different animals. Decision-makers must understand this. The mere suggestion of cuts this deep points to a misunderstanding of not only the unique supports provided by these small businesses, but also of the very definition of an independent contractor.
On the surface, $14 per hour may sound like a fair and decent wage. It’s several steps above minimum wage and is considerably higher than the average direct support professional’s wage in Oregon. However, a closer look at what an Independent Contractor is and does reveals a completely different picture (please stick with us while we offer some context.) Independent Contractors get “paid” rates like $24 per hour because they assume all responsibilities for their own taxes, insurance and benefits; as a result, they take home much less than you’d think. The State was keenly aware of this important distinction as it developed a set of published rate ranges at the onset of brokerage services in the early ’00s.
Let’s start with a typical employee situation. If you are employed by a company and earn $14 per hour, that fourteen dollar figure does not represent the whole story. For starters, add 12% due to the taxes your employer must pay just to employ you and the cost jumps to $15.68 per hour or more. Then, let’s say you get health benefits – even low level benefits – from your employer. That’s probably another $300 per month (about $3,600 per year). That ends up costing your employer another $1.73 or so an hour, bringing your “wage” up to $17.41. Now, let’s throw in two weeks paid vacation and another week of sick time. That costs your employer about $1,881 for the three weeks (another 90 cents an hour) and now we’re up to $18.31 per hour. Maybe you have 401(k) or retirement benefits or if you are a government employee, maybe there’s some PERS being stashed away on your behalf. Your employer buys the supplies you need to do your job, pays for you to attend trainings, pays business insurance and liability insurance, pays for Workers Compensation insurance and mileage reimbursement and on and on… Anyway, you get the idea. $14 to you isn’t $14 to your employer.
Now let’s reverse all of that and look at it from the perspective of a contractor.
A properly classified Independent Contractor is a walking business. Unlike an employee, a contractor has no employer to offer them benefits, liability insurance, mileage/travel costs, computers, office supplies, software, training, sick or vacation time. Everything *starts* at the hourly rate which is exactly why they charge more. Your Independent Contractor might charge $24 to your Plan of Care, but his/her take-home is nowhere near that. Chances are pretty high that your Independent Contractor doesn’t drive a Lexus.
If Oregon starts paying Independent Contractors $14 per hour, these workers will very likely take home less than minimum wage for a professional service. Why would someone do all this work to make less than the guy across the street employed by a brokerage customer or provider organization? Why carry the headache of purchasing liability insurance, ensuring proper deductions, paying self-employment taxes (15.3% in 2013), worrying about your own health insurance only to make less?
If rates really are reduced to this level, we will witness hundreds of small businesses shutter and close up shop. Small businesses truly are the engine fueling Oregon’s current economic recovery.
The Need for Diversity of Provider Types to Serve a Diverse Population
We are lucky to have at our fingertips a rich community of Independent Contractors with varied backgrounds and specialties: former teachers, former case managers, people from the business community who decided they wanted to something more rewarding with their lives. Just as we value diversity in the people we serve, we value diversity in our provider base. We don’t just value that diversity for its own sake. We value it because it promotes choice and increases the quality of supports customers receive. Brokerage customers have wildly variant needs and that calls for a wildly variant set of skills in the provider community. Caregivers in the home meet certain essential needs for our customers. Skills trainers meet others. Provider agencies meet still others. It’s the diversity of choice that makes brokerage services exemplary and completely unique in the system.
A Need for Capacity and a Pledge of Support
In the Portland metro area, we work with hundreds of independent contractors. They have played an integral role in the development of brokerage services over the last twelve years and are a highly valued, essential part of this system. As the K Plan rolls out, more services will be available for our customer base. This is a great thing. But all those extra financial resources mean nothing unless we have qualified, competent providers who can make a living doing the work. If we price them out, we all lose. Reducing capacity makes no sense.
We realize all too well that information is changing rapidly. This reduction may not even be on the table in a week. But, presently, this conversation is on the table. We feel an obligation to respond to this public information and to support the providers we, our customers, and their families rely on each day for critical health and safety supports. Independence Northwest stands in unequivocal opposition to a reduction in the rates of any provider who serves brokerage customers.
We encourage providers to communicate with their legislators and leadership at the State to advocate for no reduction to the rates and to educate them on the services they provide. We promise to do the same.
Any reduction in rates for providers serving our customers is a step backward for all of us.
Get Involved!
Independent Contractor Patricia Lawrence is organizing Independent Contractors in the Portland metro area. Visit her new Facebook group for Independent Contractors or send her an email directly at to get involved.
Please Note: The proposed $10 per hour reduction is specific to those providers who fall under the Personal Support Worker/Independent Contractor designation. Services such as Behavioral and Social/Sexual Supports are not included in the announced proposed reduction.
Sept 09, 2013: FACT’s Understanding the IEP Training in Beaverton
FREE TRAINING FOR FAMILIES! Understanding the IEP: Development, Process, and Your Critically Important Role on the Team |
Monday, September 9th, 2013 – 6:00 – 8:30pm
Beaverton City Library12375 SW 5th St.
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Informational flyer (in English)To register, click here, call 1-888-988-FACT, or email with questions or assistance with registration. |
Oregon Developmental Disabilities Director: “Guardians Can Be Paid with Right Processes in Place”
Oregon Developmental Disabilities Patrice Botsford makes a big announcement on the payment to guardians issue this afternoon:
“WE HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!! Today our federal partner, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) informed Oregon that guardians can be paid to provide care to their loved ones with the right processes in place. We are working quickly with CMS to clarify those processes and to develop a new notice for beneficiaries, but we wanted to share this information with you as soon as possible. When those details are worked out, we will provide you with an update and more information about next steps.
Thank you for your patience as we have been working through this difficult issue. We know that this issue is important and that the uncertainty about how we are moving forward is stressful for families and their loved ones. We appreciate the care and concern we have heard these past weeks and we remain committed to providing you with the most up-to-date, accurate information that we have.” Patrice Botsford Director, DHS Office of Developmental Disabilities Services
Schedule of Upcoming Forums and Events | August & Sept 2013
There have been a lot of announced events in the last couple of weeks. Here’s a quick list of what’s happening and where (UPDATED 08.22.2013)
August 20th – 6:30pm
Provider Forum at Independence Northwest
Note: This forum is at capacity and is no longer accepting RSVPs. Future forums forthcoming
(Portland) Details
August 21st – 6:30pm
Community Forum at Independence Northwest
Note: This forum is at capacity and is no longer accepting RSVPs.
(Portland) Details
August 22nd – 6:00pm
Customer and Family Forum with State DD Director Patrice Botsford at Edwards Center
Please RSVP to Dan Peccia at 503.292.7142 x11 or
(Aloha) Details
August 22nd – 4:30pm
Craft Night at Independence Northwest
Please RSVP to Melissa at 503.546.2950
(Portland) Details
August 27th – 6:30pm
Provider Forum at Independence Northwest
Note: This forum is at capacity and is no longer accepting RSVPs. Future forums forthcoming
(Portland) Details
August 28th – 1:00pm
Community Forum at Independence Northwest
Please RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950 or
(Portland) Details
August 28th – 6:30pm
Community Forum at Independence Northwest
Please RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950 or
(Portland) Details
September 11th – 6:30pm
Community Forum at Independence Northwest
Please RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950 or
(Portland) Details
September 12th – 10:30am
Community Forum at Independence Northwest
Please RSVP to Rachel at 503.546.2950 or
(Portland) Details
Keep an eye on our blog for future announcements!
Big Changes in Oregon’s I/DD Service System | Part Two: Payment to Legal Guardians
Part Two: Payment to Legal Guardians
By Larry Deal, Independence Northwest Executive Director
NOTE: The State has reversed its take on payment to Guardians. Check out the latest details from Patrice Botsford here.
As mentioned in last week’s piece, Oregon’s Department of Human Services has chosen to change its primary funding source from Title XIX Waiver services to the new Community First Choice Option/K Plan. This change increases federal revenue for Oregon and expands services for seniors, people with physical disabilities, and children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. With the additional revenue comes new mandates and expectations.
Perhaps the most controversial change thus far is the mandate that legal guardians no longer be paid as care providers through brokerages. Keep in mind that legal guardianship requires a court order and is not something that automatically occurs when an individual with a developmental disability turns eighteen. Guardianship also requires annual renewal action by the guardian.
Per ODDS (Oregon Office on Developmental Disability Services), CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) views payment to a legal guardian as a conflict of interest (see CFR 441.505.) When the funding was coming primarily through waivers, guardianship payment was permitted, but because Oregon has chosen to change its primary funding to Community First Choice Option/K Plan, the expectation has changed. It is now consistent with the regulations for how services are implemented for seniors and people with physical disabilities.
Statewide, well over 400 guardians are paid to provide services, the majority of them supporting people served by brokerages. At present, brokerages and CDDPs (Community Developmental Disabilities Programs) have been directed by the state (ODDS) to begin conversations with our customers and their legal representatives about how to come into compliance with the new standards. We have requested clear, written materials to be shared with families and individuals regarding this directive.
As you can imagine, there has been a lot of concern and discussion on this topic. There’s quite a bit at risk here and clear, direct communication from all parties is key right now.
In a recent mailer to its members, SEIU (Service Employees International Union) claimed “some brokerages and CDDPs have incorrectly informed parent providers that they can no longer be their child’s guardian if they want to be paid as a provider. This is not true.” We share SEIU’s concerns on this change, but their mailer is misleading. ODDS has clearly and publicly stated this is their policy and has instructed brokerages and CDDPs to share this mandate and begin the conversation on this planned change. If one follows the directive up the chain, its genesis is with the government, not brokerages and CDDPs.
Two weeks back, ODDS Director Patrice Botsford released an extensive statement explaining the state’s position. “Families must make a decision whether the guardian will remain in place and not continue as the paid service provider and a new service provider chosen, or the guardianship may be terminated or transferred… We are asking that their decision be relayed to us via their case manager no later than December 1, 2013 for January 1, 2014 implementation.“ Read her entire statement here.
In addition to the statement, ODDS released a two-page Frequently Asked Questions document highlighting the specifics of the change. It’s worth a read.
Long-time disability rights advocate Representative Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis District 16) has become involved in the discussion. She recently began requesting stories through posts on her Facebook page. Per a post on August 7th, Rep. Gelser had met with Patrice Botsford and others at ODDS. Wrote Gelser: ” I had a very good meeting today with Patrice Botsford and her Deputy (Director) from the Office of Developmental Disabilities. I am feeling hopeful that we can find a solution that will meet everyone’s needs and will cause minimal disruption. Thank you for your stories. Please keep sending them, as they are very helpful.” She went on to thank Patrice and her team for partnering for a solution. Sara Gelser is beginning to look at potential legislative action that could influence the future.
At present, ODDS is developing an exception policy that will potentially allow for some guardians to be paid under the K Plan. The exception policy is still in draft format and will be reviewed by CMS in the next week or so.
Advocates throughout the system continue to comb through federal regulations and state law to see if there are other approaches that can be taken to address the situation. In the meantime, if you would like to be involved in the discussion and share your story, you have a few options.
- Contact ODDS at
- Contact Representative Sara Gelser at or on her Facebook page
- Contact your local and state lesgislators (Find yours here)
- Contact the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities at
- Attend the SDRI hosted Customer Forum with the DD Director on August 22nd
Later this week, we’ll send out another missive on the Designated Representative piece. The representative issue is linked to the guardianship discussion, but deserves its own attention due to its complexity. For the sake of clarity, we’ll address it separately.
Additional Resources:
- Check out this piece on the guardianship change in The Oregonian. (Thanks to Cynthia Owens for the tip.)
- Article: The Lund Report: Advocates Worry New Disability Plan Interferes with Parental Rights (Thanks to Michael Gmirkin at SDRI for the tip.)
- Check out this article on fellow brokerage SDRI’s website: K Plan: Change is Coming to Oregon DD Services
- Read Part One of this series: The Functional Needs Assessment Tool
08/15/2013 UPDATE:
DD Director Patrice Botsford shared the following new information on ODDS’ Facebook page: “I wanted to quickly update you on where we are on our request for exception on guardians as paid caregivers. Our request is currently in the hands of CMS and their attorneys. We have near daily communication with them, and are looking forward to the best possible outcome. We are as anxious as you are, and we will post here as soon as we have any updates. Keep up the good work, and thank you all again for your advocacy and support.”
August 22nd, 2013: INW Craft Night Returns! Join Us!
Craft Night returns to Independence Northwest!
Join us on August 22nd from 4:30 – 6:00pm here at the INW office (541 NE 20th Avenue Suite 103 in Portland). We’ll be making duct tape wallets and other duct tape accessories.
We suggest a $3 donation to go toward supplies, but no one will be turned away because of inability to pay.
Space is limited – please RSVP to Melissa at 503.546.2950 and we’ll see you there!
August 22nd, 2013: SDRI Hosting Customer Forum with State DD Director
Announcing an upcoming self-advocate and parent meeting with Patrice Botsford, State Director for Oregon’s Office of Developmental Disabilities. Many changes are ahead that will affect services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington County brokerage SDRI is hosting an evening discussion on August 22nd from 6 – 8pm. Join them to discuss the changes and have your questions answered! The meeting will take place at Edwards Center: 4375 SW Edwards Place in Aloha.
Be sure to RSVP to Dan Peccia at 503.292.7142 x11 or
Thanks to Dan, SDRI and Edwards Center for pulling this important evening together.
Big Changes in Oregon’s I/DD Service System | Part One: The Functional Needs Assessment Tool
Part One: The Functional Needs Assessment Tool
By Larry Deal, Independence Northwest Executive Director
Customers, Families, Providers and Community Members,
As you might have heard, there’s a series of significant changes happening in services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities here in Oregon. This is the first of several short(ish) articles to update you on changes to your services and to solicit your feedback, thoughts, and concerns. Let’s start with an explanation of why some of the changes are happening.
Why Are Things Changing?
In short, the Oregon Department of Human Services (the state) gets money from the federal government (about 60% of service dollars) and during a recent review by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), Oregon was found deficient in several areas. As a result, the feds are demanding a series of changes on a short timeline. At this point, CMS has submitted its findings only for Oregon’s comprehensive (24/7) services; findings from their review of brokerage services are forthcoming.
In addition to the audit findings, Oregon has experienced some budgetary shortfalls, specifically with regard to the program – Aging and People with Disabilities Services – that serves seniors and people with physical disabilities. The Department of Human Services and the Oregon legislature have determined that migrating all services to a new program called the Community First Choice Option (or K Plan) will bring about 6% more federal funds into the state. This means many changes for brokerage customers and providers.
I will address these changes in future articles, but for this piece, let’s focus on one big change that will affect brokerage customers in the very near future: CMS’s mandate that Oregon create and implement a Functional Needs Assessment tool to be used on all individuals receiving services paid for by federal funds. For the record, this change isn’t related to the K Plan or the budget, just the CMS review.
Historical Assessment Practices in Brokerage Services
Historically, brokerages have not used extensive formal assessments to determine your service needs and budgets. Everyone has been eligible for just about the same amount of service dollars (around $14,000 per year, give or take.) For the last eleven or so years, when a person has been referred to brokerage services, we sit down and speak with you about your support needs and personal goals. From there, we seek out natural supports and resources in the community to help you achieve those goals. If there’s a need for funded services, we support you to find the right provider, we assist you with hiring/contracting with the provider, and we provide quality support and oversight for the services you receive. We have to prove that you have a disability-related need for every service purchased. We glean support needs through conversations with you and fill out a state document called the Customer Goal Survey. This document, when completed, resides in a customer’s file at the brokerage and is reviewed by the state when they visit for annual audits.
Starting this fall, things will change. In addition to our usual practices, we will begin completing a Functional Needs Assessment on each and every brokerage customer, new or old. The FNA must be administered annually and will usually take place before we complete your annual ISP (Individual Support Plan.)
The state recently released a transmittal explaining expectations and timelines for implementation.
So, What is a Functional Needs Assessment?
Oregon’s Functional Needs Assessment (FNA) is a scored tool that asks for in-depth information on your support needs in the following areas:
- Mobility
- Transferring
- Positioning
- Eating/Drinking
- Toileting
- Bladder Control
- Urinary Catheter Care
- Bowel Control
- Hygiene (Menses, Bathing, Dressing and General Care)
- Housekeeping
- Meal Preparation
- Shopping
- Transportation
- Money Management
- Communication (Expressive and Receptive)
- Personal Safety
- Fire/Emergency Evacuation
- Medication Management
- Health Management Supports
- Complex Health Management Supports
- Equipment
- Behavioral Supports (Supervision and Interventions)
- Legally Mandated Supervision
- Nighttime Needs
The FNA, based on locally utilized tools as well as materials from other states, has been developed primarily by state employees, with input and review by stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds, including brokerages. The FNA was created in Excel spreadsheet format so that scores will automatically calculate when the questions are answered on the document. However, the state has not yet completed the algorithms and formulas that will determine the services brokerage customers will be eligible to receive. They have recently brought on an outside contractor to complete the project.
Once the state finishes building the FNA, your Personal Agent will be responsible for administering the tool and assigning values for each question answered. Since the tool is still incomplete, we have not yet seen how someone’s needs will equate to actual services, but expect to soon. The current estimate for a fully functional tool is October 1st, 2013.
Will This Affect Individual Funding?
As mentioned earlier, the historical practice has been to offer you a set sum of service dollars (on average $14,000 a year.) If brokerage services were inadequate to meet your needs, crisis services and comprehensive services (group home, foster home, etc.) were offered as an option.
The Functional Needs Assessment tool will not have a dollar amount attached. Instead, it will determine how many units of most services you will be eligible for. The FNA will determine what you have access to, based on your disability-related needs. For example, it may say you are eligible for 100 hours of respite per year, 350 hours of skills training and it will suggest appropriate resources to build a ramp on your home for safety and access. Those pre-determined resources are then utilized to bring on providers and build the plan of care.
Additionally, your benefit level will no longer be capped. The services a person is eligible to receive will be wholly individualized. Although no one can be sure of precisely what the results of the new model will be, the state expects that some people will be eligible for more services than they currently receive and some people will be found eligible for fewer services than they currently receive.
Can Changes Be Made to the Tool?
This isn’t the first tool the state has created. The SNAP tool (used to set rates for providers in foster care) is now on iterations into the double digits. There are likely to be many revisions to the FNA over the first couple of years as the state fine-tunes and hones it through feedback and inquiry.
The state will be receiving copies of all completed assessments conducted on customers. You or your legal representatives may request a copy of the FNA tool at any time. The Department will be sharing when there are major changes to the tool, but state representatives have stated that the state will not be releasing information related to the scoring algorithms and may or may not share when the algorithms have been changed. There is currently an advisory group comprising stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds who will continue meeting well into the future.
You always have the right to request a new review of the assessment; brokerages are responsible for performing the assessment within 45 days of request. Higher level review details are forthcoming.
Want to Learn More?
Information changes, literally, by the hour. Oregon’s DD services have never seen such sweeping change so swiftly. Portions of this article might be out-dated within a day or two, in fact. If there are significant changes or amendments, I will note them below this article on Independence Northwest’s blog.
To help customers, families and their advocates better understand what’s happening, Independence Northwest will begin hosting a series of informational sessions at our office a couple of times a month. The sessions will cover information on the Functional Needs Assessment as well as other changes.
Scheduled Sessions:
When: Wednesday August 21st 6:30 – 8:00pm
Wednesday August 28th 6:30 – 8:00pm
Where: 541 NE 20th Avenue Suite 103, Portland
Please RSVP by calling Rachel Kroll at INW (503.546.2950) so we are sure we have ample materials and space for the presentations.
Keep an eye out for additional articles in the coming days and weeks on the K Plan, changes to guardian payment, changes to case management options, changes to the brokerage ISP (Individual Support Plan) and more.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Personal Agent for the latest details. You may also drop me a line at and I’ll do my best to either answer your question or refer you to someone who can.
Changes to services come with some degree of difficulty and we recognize that some of these changes are significant. We will do all we can to share the information we receive and offer transparency and support through each transition.
Thank you for being part of the Independence Northwest and the brokerage community. We are honored to serve you.
Additional Resources
Policy Change Forthcoming for Legal Guardians Paid to Provide Care to Brokerage Customers
Beginning January 1, 2014, guardians will no longer be allowed to be paid with brokerage support services funds. Please see below for a statement released today by Patrice Botsford, the Director of Office of Developmental Disabilities at the Department of Human Services. Please check in with your Personal Agent if you have questions.
View a FAQ document about the change here.
To: All ODDS Staff & Stakeholders
Message from DHS Director of Office of Developmental Disabilities Patrice BotsfordI wanted to talk with you about some of the new state plan (K Plan) changes that are beginning to emerge in our Developmental Disabilities program. Last month, I had the opportunity to talk with large and small groups across the state, and I hear the great appreciation each community has for its CDDPs, Brokerages and Providers. I also hear their questions and concerns about how the DD program will change in the near future for the people and families we serve.
One of those concerns is the issue of the state’s inability to continue to pay legal guardians and representatives as service providers in the new state plan.
This is a big issue for many in our community, and it is important to note that this change is not something we asked for or anticipated. It is a federal regulation of the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and we are required to comply in order to secure the additional 6% funding that the K plan brings.
All of us at ODDS are aware, sensitive and concerned about the impact this will have on families as they make very personal and family-specific decisions regarding their status as guardians or representatives.
Families must make a decision whether the guardian will remain in place and not continue as the paid service provider and a new service provider chosen, or the guardianship may be terminated or transferred to another person through probate court so the current guardian can remain the paid service provider.
In order to provide as much time as possible we are asking that their decision be relayed to us via their case manager no later than December 1, 2013 for January 1, 2014 implementation.
No one is required to make their adult child a ward of the state, and this change does not mean that the parent is abandoning the adult child, or that the state doesn’t care about the family and the importance of those relationships.
We do care, and that’s why we have all decided to do the work we do to improve the lives of the individuals and families we serve. It is important to everyone that those family relationships remain strong, healthy and ongoing for as long as people desire them. The K Plan allows us to be better stewards of the investment Oregonians make in services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and I am personally grateful for the many people who have sent their concerns and thoughtful remarks.
Again, thank you for the incredible work you do, the thoughtfulness with which you do it and the support you provide to the I/DD community.
~ Patrice Botsford
Independence Northwest Celebrates 6 Years as a Support Services Brokerage
Six years ago today Independence Northwest became a fully-funded Oregon support services brokerage. Thank you to our founding and current board of directors, our many stellar staff members past and present, CDDP and provider partners, fellow brokerages, and customers and families for your belief, support, guidance, and partnership these past six years.
We are proud to be part of Oregon’s I/DD community and look forward to many more years with you!
Brokerages Weigh In on K Plan and Systems Changes; DHS Offers Responses to Concerns
On June 12th, 2013, several brokerage directors met with Erinn Kelley-Siel (Director of the Department of Human Services), Trish Baxter (Chief Operating Officer for Aging and Disability Programs) and Patrice Botsford (Director of the Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services) to discuss concerns related to planned changes to services for brokerage customers and individuals throughout the system. During the meeting, we shared a formal position document (see below*) outlining concerns, questions, and recommendations. Given the significant amount of systems change occurring in Oregon right now, the paper touched only on high level, immediate issues.
Within a week of that meeting, Erinn, Trish, and Patrice followed up in writing on each of our concerns and their responses are included below. Some questions have now been answered and others are still in process. We appreciate the Department’s willingness to meet with us, their openness to feedback and input from the field and we look forward to regular, ongoing engagement on forthcoming changes and implementation strategies.
*Positions and Recommendations on the K Plan, Its Implementation, and Additional Department-mandated Changes (June 2013)
OSSA (Oregon Support Services Association) is a non-profit organization comprising the thirteen support services brokerages in Oregon. Collectively, the association represents over 7,000 adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) who live independently throughout Oregon’s 36 counties. Brokerages have been in operation since 2001 and OSSA since 2010.
We envision a world in which all people live the life they choose in communities where they are valued, respected, and honored. In this world, individual strengths are celebrated; high quality supports are ample and readily available; labels are absent; and self determination is universal. This vision is realized from neighbor to legislator.
Present Situation: Community First Choice State Plan (K Plan) Implementation
In June of 2013, responding to budgetary shortfalls and weak findings from a statewide CMS audit, the Oregon Office on Developmental Disabilities (ODDS) sent its Community First Choice State Plan Option K (K Plan) application to the federal government for approval. The K Plan, if approved, will bring a 6% increase in federal match funds to Oregon. ODDS has formed workgroups and brokerage representatives have participated over the last month and a half.
This paper is an effort to capture the support services brokerage perspective in a publicly available set of thoughts, concerns, and issues surrounding the K Plan and its implementation in Oregon.
OSSA supports many of the aims of implementing the K Plan including:
- Bringing additional federal funding into our state to preserve services for Oregonians with support needs
- Developing options for fluidity and portability across service elements
- Expanding of choice to the I/DD community
Additionally, OSSA has specific concerns about current implementation strategies including:
- Ensuring the principles of self-determination are at the foundation of implementation
- Offering true choice in Targeted Case Management across the system
- Lack of extensive testing of the Functional Needs Assessment prior to implementation and the potential repercussions on populations (e.g. people with autism) whose needs it may fail to capture
- Quality assurance review and customer/brokerage authorization of services prior to provider payment
- Significant loss of flexibility caused by changing from annual benefit levels to monthly fixed allotments
- Long term fiscal sustainability
Ensuring the Principles of Self-determination are at the Foundation of Implementation
In developing a new service delivery model, it is important to validate the importance of self-determination as the cornerstone of Support Services, and not just a salvaged component of yesterday’s service delivery model. We support a model that honors the aspirations of the individuals while adhering to the funding criteria that brings needed federal matching funds to Oregon’s Medicaid funded programs.
We believe that there is room for both. A person centered service delivery model based upon the principles of self-determination relying upon a Functional Needs Assessment to determine the disability related supports that are available in pursuit of life goals is a workable model.
Recommendation: We recommend that ODDS continue to commit to retaining the principles of self-determination as defined in statute and rule to drive planning and implementation of the Community First Choice State Plan Option K. We recommend that the Functional Needs Assessment exist in a supportive role to determine those disability-related expenditures available in support of self-determined life goals.
DHS Response: The Department agrees. Person-centered planning and self-determination are foundations of the I/DD system. Although the functional needs assessment is required, plans will continue to be developed in support of an individual’s life goals with the functional needs assessment driving the ADL and IADL supports necessary to support the individual in achievement of their goals.
True Choice in Targeted Case Management Across the System
In the current system, CDDPs provide Targeted Case Management (TCM) to children and adults receiving comprehensive care. In addition, they serve a small number of people receiving In-Home Comprehensive Services. Brokerages currently provide TCM exclusively to adults with I/DD who live independently in the community (support services).
Over the past couple of months, ODDS representatives have stated that CMS is “mandating choice in who provides TCM” under the K Plan. We are told that, per CMS mandate, customers must now be offered the choice of a CDDP case manager OR brokerage Personal Agent for support services.
When reviewing the system as described we find the decision to offer choice only in one area (support services) puzzling and inconsistent. As you see below, choice is decidedly limited to just one subset of the recipient base – the program recipients brokerages currently serve. Recipients in all other service elements continue to have no choice in who provides TCM.
Brokerage Provides TCM | CDDP Provides TCM | |
Support Services |
● |
● |
In Home Comprehensive |
● |
Residential |
● |
Supported Living |
● |
“Not in Service” Case Management |
● |
Child Case Management |
● |
Family Support |
● |
The vast majority of brokerage customers currently have at least two different entities providing Targeted Case Management to choose from. Many have four or five choices. Customers in every other service delivery program in the state currently have no choice. The proposed change marginally increases choice for a small percentage of brokerage customers while continuing to leave half or more of Oregon’s I/DD population with no choice whatsoever.
Further, we are concerned about conflict of interest free choice counseling under the new proposal. We understand that there have been conversations about third party choice counsel for people entering adult services. While we welcome any attempted neutral approach to assuring appropriate counsel, we are concerned about the viability of neutrality in a system that offers choice only to a select group.
An example: We think this model’s flaws are particularly evident during the period when recipients transition from child to adult services. Turning 18 is a time of enormous stress and change for an individual and his/her family. They are dealing with becoming their own decision-maker, an independent signer and they no longer have a de facto guardian. Further, they are applying for Social Security, updating their Medicaid status and possibly undergoing additional eligibility testing related to their I/DD diagnosis. Additional changes, particularly changing case managers, during such a period of upheaval seems an unlikely preference for most families. Real choice should be offered from the beginning so that people have time to form and maintain their relationship with their case manager, be they from the CDDP or the brokerage.
Recommendation: We recommend that ODDS provide universal choice by permitting brokerages to provide targeted case management in all service elements serving people with I/DD (including children). In the absence of full choice, we believe ODDS should create a distinction between CDDP and brokerage case management by assigning facility-based services to CDDPs and community-based adult services to brokerages. Our recommendation is consistent with the Oregon IDD Coalition’s recommendation on this topic.
DHS Response: There is a statutory change that would be required in order to allow brokerages to serve children under the age of 18. However, as noted in the revisions to the chart (below), brokerages will be allowed to serve In-Home Comprehensive and “Not in Service” Case Management individuals. Residential and Supported Living services are to be phased in at a later date. It is the intent of ODDS that brokerages will be allowed to serve these populations within the next 12 months. Full choice of service providers (CDDP or Brokerage) will be given to individuals in all areas, with the exception of services related to children. This is a statutory change that can be explored during a future legislative session if so desired.
ODDS has added updates to the chart. Please see below:
Brokerage Provides TCM | CDDP Provides TCM | |
Support Services |
● |
● |
In Home Comprehensive |
7/1/13 |
● |
Residential |
7/1/14 |
● |
Supported Living |
7/1/14 |
● |
“Not in Service” Case Management |
7/1/13 |
● |
Child Case Management |
Planned, pending statute change |
● |
Family Support |
Planned, pending statute change |
● |
Functional Needs Assessment Development and Testing
ODDS representatives have been developing a new Functional Needs Assessment tool (FNA). Under the K Plan, services and supports are based upon a tool designed to determine a number of hours of service. Because this is a Medicaid requirement, it has been placed front and center as the driver of services. While we respect the necessity of the FNA, we believe the drivers of services should continue to be self-determination and the individual’s aspirations for his or her own life.
A person centered planning process based upon self determination is first and fundamental. From there, the FNA acts as the funding mechanism enabling the provision of disability-related supports to meet the aspirational goals of the individual, not the other way around.
We believe that an assessment tool intended to be placed at the center of all individual service decisions should be supported by comprehensive testing and computer modeling prior to implementation. The FNA has not yet been subjected to either. Data and real-word application should be established in advance of placing thousands of individual lives at the mercy of any assessment mechanism. We have particularly strong concerns that some needs related to autism, behavioral and psychosexual disorders in particular will not be effectively articulated in the FNA form. Testing will allow for thoughtful examination of the value the FNA may bring to our Employment First and Executive Order requirements.
Our understanding is that the FNA will not be linked to rates on the comprehensive services (24/7) side during initial phases of implementation. We support this approach and ask that similar caution be taken on the support services side. Such an approach allows for testing and modification without disrupting the lives of recipients or the businesses of those who serve and support them.
A great many of our customers have exactly the same needs as those in 24/7 settings such as group homes and foster care homes. While the average brokerage customer has a budget of $14,000 per year, a full 7% of our customer base has been assessed through the Base Supplement Criteria Inventory process. They receive an enhanced budget between $20,000 and $24,500 per year due to extensive needs with personal care, caregiver capacity, behavioral support needs, and other high level support with activities of daily living.
Recommendation: We recommend a minimum 20% sampling of brokerage customers be tested to prior to formal implementation to determine a baseline from which to budget and consider future options, as well as to address employment and specific disability support issues. It seems the legislature and other administrative staff would require something of this sort in order to budget appropriately for Oregon’s future. There are very real fiscal and human repercussions at play here. We will partner in any way possible to help Oregon achieve this aim.
DHS Response: The department agrees that the new functional needs assessment is going to need extensive field testing and we appreciate the offer of brokerages to assist in this effort. We anticipate having a draft ready for some testing as early as the week of June 24. Testing the tool with individuals that we already know will be of great benefit. Initially the new assessment will be used for new people coming into service, and for existing individuals as their assessment renewal is due. This needs to begin on July 1, assuming CMS approval for a July 1 effective date, however, we know that the tool will be a work in progress and will need modifications as we gain experience in utilizing the tool with the I/DD population.
Pre-Payment Review and Quality Assurance
Since brokerages first began operation in 2001, we have always practiced high standards of quality assurance by reviewing direct services documentation prior to payment to qualified providers. Every single invoice, timesheet or bill is reviewed by the Personal Agent prior to payment. In order for us to move forward with payment, we must confirm:
Customer (or legal designee) signature confirming services
- Progress notes confirming Medicaid-allowable services and how they relate back to the individual’s disability-related support need and person-centered goal
- Units, rates, and dates that fall within the terms of the service agreement between the customer and the provider
The review of these invoices offers an immediate opportunity for education, feedback and correction when necessary. We currently employ a proactive approach and work with the customer and provider to assure CMS and state mandates are met. Not a single invoice, timesheet or vendor bill is paid in any of our thirteen organizations without thorough review and vetting.
This process permits us to do everything from fixing a basic pro-ration error to identifying fraud. Close review of these documents has led to protective service investigations, sanctioning of fraudulent providers, and the immediate intervention to address health and safety concerns.
Currently, these strong quality assurance mechanisms are at risk for a major change. As ODDS moves the brokerage plan of care into its payment system (eXPRS) there has been serious consideration given to permitting providers to go directly into the system to claim payment, bypassing essential quality assurance review and oversight. We have been told that we could do a “statistical sampling every three months or so” and follow up on errors after the fact.
We strongly object to a pay and chase system such as this and believe it’s at odds with CMS’ general shift over the past several years. By reviewing these documents ahead of time, we’re playing a proactive role not a reactive one. We believe this approach is consistent with the Department’s core values and practices.
Recommendation: As fellow custodians of public funds and strong believers of fiscal accountability, we urge ODDS to continue to permit brokerages to provide quality review on 100% of invoices, timesheets and bills received prior to payment to providers through the state’s payment system. The current processes within the brokerages have been proven to be principled and effective in financial management.
DHS Response: The department has already revisited this decision and will be building functionality into the eXPRS system to allow for review and approval by brokerage staff prior to payment being issued. Brokerages will be able to determine their business process for accomplishing this task, including requiring customer authorization, invoices, etc. No payments will be issued without brokerage staff review and approval.
Monthly Fixed Allotments Versus Annual Benefits
In the current system, when a brokerage customer enters services, he/she has an annual benefit amount of around $14,000. She can purchase supports when she likes, as required based on disability-related needs. This sometimes means she needs zero services for X months and then needs a significant number of services during, say, the summer. The current system allows for her to utilize her services when she needs them based on current availability of resources both paid and not paid.
Under the K Plan, there’s no such thing as an annual benefit cap. The Functional Needs Assessment (FNA) determines how many hours a person is eligible for per month. If you don’t use it, you lose it. For twelve years, brokerage customers have been operating under the annual benefit and have enjoyed the flexibility to meet real-life needs such a system allowed. In our discussions with customers and family members, this is a primary area of concern right now.
Recommendation: We understand that the monthly versus annual budgeting model is an Oregon design decision and not something mandated by CMS under the K Plan. We recommend maintaining utmost flexibility for those receiving services and therefore a customer budget developed on an annual basis. Programs should be crafted to fit the needs of people. When we attempt the inverse, the system can’t meet needs in the moment and small issues become compounded. People lose options and control.
DHS Response: With the implementation of the “K” State Plan Option, individuals will receive the supports that they need each month. In essence, the idea of monthly or annual budgets goes away – individuals will be authorized for services determined to be necessary through the functional needs and service planning processes. This means individuals with support services can budget at an annual level if that works best for them.
Long Term Fiscal Sustainability Concerns
Prior to 2001, services for adults with I/DD in Oregon were pretty much limited to those with significant need. People living independently (with family or on their own in the community) received very little by way of services and this resulted in a lawsuit brought by concerned families (Staley v. Kitzhaber.) As a result of the 2000 Staley Agreement, a new way of providing services was born. Enter the brokerage system. Well over 7,000 people have enrolled in brokerage community-based services statewide in the last decade. Most people have somewhere around $12,000 to $14,000 available to them annually through their brokerage. This model doesn’t provide for every single need – but it does provide support to every single eligible individual.
Our concern is this: We serve people with very significant support needs, far beyond anything brokerages can fund. Family members, neighbors, friends, partners, community members and spouses play a role in each person’s support system. They provide natural supports to the individual to ensure his/her success without creating dependency on a paid system. A person, whose plan is currently $14,000 per year, could easily be reassessed and suddenly that plan will pencil out to $75,000. Conversely, those with $14,000 today could shrink to $3,000 tomorrow.
While we absolutely support the concept of providing disability-related support wherever needed, we must also consider what our budget can sustain over time. Proper assessment of available natural supports is key to the long-term sustainability of our service delivery system.
How do we avoid reinventing the system we deconstructed just a little over a decade ago? If costs grow beyond what Oregon’s budget can handle, what happens? Do we start re-determining eligibility for these services? Do we start leveling individuals? Do we begin eliminating people from accessing services (as we did with General Fund customers) so that they go back to relying on emergency state and county systems? Do we say “this year we serve people in levels 1 – 12, but next year we can only serve 1 – 10?” Oregon has done it before with Oregon Health Plan and we fear it will happen again here. Do we recreate a system where we can only afford to serve Oregonians with the highest needs while categorically denying services to those with perceived “lesser needs”?
One of the most fantastic features of brokerage services has been creating an environment where individuals who had little exposure, integration and inclusion in their communities were finally afforded the opportunity (via disability-related supports) to fully participate. That has been of immeasurable benefit not only to the individuals who are now participating, but to society as a whole. When communities are exposed to people with I/DD, societal opinions, prejudices and assumptions change. We have thousands of people with limited support needs now engaging and flourishing in their communities. We cannot roll backwards – we must ensure the new system serves all people with I/DD, no matter how “limited” their support needs might seem to the outside world. Oregon has made promises to this population and we must make good on them.
Recommendation: Again, we recommend extensive testing on the Functional Needs Assessment prior to formal implementation.
DHS Response: The department shares this concern and will be watching expenditures very carefully. Our hope is that we will be able to serve more individuals in the community, costing the state less in the long run. Thorough testing and ongoing review of the assessment tool and associated service plans will be a must.
Closing Comments
The Oregon Support Services Association membership has effectively managed significant changes throughout the twelve year history of brokerage services. Today, change is present on all fronts. We are prepared as always to adapt to the next system. By communicating concerns and offering solutions, we hope to create a dialogue whose end result maintains and hopefully enhances services for the more than 7,000 adults with I/DD we currently serve.
Download a PDF of the Position Paper and DHS’s response here: DHS Response to Position Paper from Support Service Brokerages 6 18 13
FAQs about the K Plan:
May 30th, 2013: Great Expectations – Preparing for Life After School Workshop
FACT (Family and Community Together), Oregon Consortium of Family Networks and the DD Coalition present “Great Expectations: Preparing for Life After School,” a workshop for students and families. It’s scheduled for May 30th, 2013 from 9am to 3pm. The event will be held at the Ambridge Event Center at 1333 NE MLK Jr Boulevard in Portland. Cost is $5 and lunch is included.
The training is for parents, students and professionals.
Apr 17th, 2013: Join PPS Community Transition Program and Portland Brokerages for Evening Info Sessions Throughout 2013
Do you have questions about school transition services after high school?
Want to learn more about the Portland Public Schools Community Transition Program?
Do you have questions about services for adults with developmental disabilities?
Want to learn more about brokerage services?
Join PPS and the five Portland metro brokerages in 2013 for an evening informational tea! We’ll do a short presentation on the transition program as well as brokerage services. The evening teas will include light refreshments and tea – and an opportunity for you to meet with PPS and brokerage staff. Get your questions answered and learn more about programs available to young adults in transition.
The fourth tea is April 17th. The event will be held at UCP Connections.Please RSVP by calling 503.916.5817. See you there!
Future events:
May 23rd, 2013 – Hosted at Community Pathways
All teas start at 6pm and end at 7:30pm
See flyer for details. Click here: PPSBrokerageInformationalTeas2013
Faces of Independence Northwest: Emily
The Faces of Independence Northwest photo project continues with Shelby Brakken’s images of INW customer Emily, taken this week at Portland’s Lloyd Center.
OPB Think Out Loud Episode on Sheltered Workshops Now Online
Stream OPB’s Think Out Loud episode on sheltered workshops here.
As much as 61 percent of working Oregonians with disabilities work in what are called “sheltered workshops,” where they perform assembly line tasks and are paid a fraction of minimum wage — sometimes as little as 40 cents an hour.
But for advocates of the sheltered workshops, these are safe, cost-effective and supportive work environments for people who would otherwise be unable to find employment elsewhere.
In 2012, eight Oregonians, with the help of the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Oregon and Southwest Washington filed a lawsuit against Governor Kitzhaber and high-ranking officials at the Oregon Department of Human Services in an effort to reform the sheltered workshop system. The Department of Justice announced last week that it would join the lawsuit, claiming that these sheltered workshops violated the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
- Bryan Denson: Reporter for The Oregonian
- Tim Kral: Executive Director of the Oregon Rehabilitation Association
- Tara Asai: President of Oregon APSE
Faces of Independence Northwest: Robert
Our Faces of Independence Northwest photo project by Portland photographer Shelby Brakken continues. This time, INW customer Robert and his Personal Agent Jenny are the featured subjects.
Short FAQ on April 1st 2013 Pay Increase for Personal Support Workers
The following is a short FAQ document to help customers of Independence Northwest understand upcoming changes to both Personal Support Worker wages and brokerage customer plan benefit caps. Customers will be receiving paper notifications via mail regarding these changes as well.
What’s Happening?
Personal Support Workers (PSWs,) the majority of providers serving Independence Northwest’s customer base, are receiving a 1.25% increase to their wages effective April 1st, 2013.
Brokerage customers are receiving a 1.25% increase to their benefit cap (how much they are eligible for) effective April 1st, 2013. You may view the state’s newly published Benefit Level Matrix here. (This excludes those who are at Full Base Plus + ADL funding. They will not receive an increase to their benefit cap.)
Why Is This Happening?
This pay increase is a result of House Bill 3618 and the 2011/2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Oregon Home Care Commission and SEIU. The House Bill and CBA require that no loss in service occur for our customers as a result of implementing this increase.
Will My Plan (ISP) Need to be Revised?
No. The State has created a revision form that will be attached to your ISP, allowing for the increase in funding to both your Personal Support Worker(s) and your benefit cap. This will happen at Independence Northwest’s office and will not require any action from you or your legal representative.
Do I Have to Give My PSW a Raise?
Yes. It is required. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact either SEIU or the Oregon Home Care Commission since this is their Collective Bargaining Agreement. Independence Northwest is required by contract to carry out the terms of the agreement.
How Do I Know If My Provider is a Personal Support Worker?
Most providers are considered PSWs. Certain providers who perform services such as Behavior Supports are not PSWs and will receive no increase. You may learn more about who is/isn’t a PSW by reviewing this state transmittal.
Does This Change How Much PSWs May Make Permanently?
Yes. The State has published a new set of Rate Ranges, effective 04.01.2013. Click here for details.
Will the Provider Organization I Contract with Receive an Increase?
No. This increase is specific to those under the PSW designation. Provider Organizations will not receive an increase and the rate ranges will not be adjusted up for them.
Have Additional Questions?
Check out the State’s transmittal for all known details. If you still have questions, please call your Personal Agent at 503.546.2950 and we’ll do our best to get you answers or connect you with those who have answers.
FACT Seeking Parents for Parent Mentor Program
An important message from FACT’s (Families and Community Together) Executive Director, Roberta Dunn:
On behalf of Family and Community Together, I would like to invite you to become a part of FACT’s Parent to Parent [P2P] Mentor Program!
As you know, sometimes raising a child experiencing disability can be overwhelming, and may leave you feeling like the only person in the world facing these challenges. FACT P2P parent mentors share their experiences as parents and what they have learned – that having a child experiencing disability is just a part of a whole life… A life that will be beautiful, messy, smooth, and bumpy, just like most lives are. Mentors also listen with an empathetic ear because they have “been there.”
FACT’s parent mentors are a special group of volunteers who are trained to help support caretakers, whether they are parents, grandparents, siblings, or anyone else who has a family member experiencing disability. Parent mentors can be extremely helpful when someone is navigating through special education; with this in mind, FACT is particularly interested in identifying parent mentors available to support a family in preparing for and participating in their child’s IEP.
FACT believes that families are our greatest resource! Indeed, it is your personal experience and understanding of the particular challenges, joys, and milestones that come with raising a child experiencing disability that makes you such a powerful ally to a parent, whether s/he is just starting out in this journey or is further along. Because we know parenting does not stop at age 21, FACT continues to provide parent mentors who can assist others across a person’s lifespan.
As a parent mentor, you will join hundreds of other parents who are providing support, information, and resources to others across the country. FACT P2P is the Oregon chapter of the national Parent to Parent USA organization which has roots dating back to 1971. Parent to Parent USA now has chapters helping families in 27 states.
If interested, please see the P2P Mentor Application for the Parent Mentor application (available in English and Spanish). Parents with prior experience supporting families in the IEP process as an IEP partner are highly encouraged to apply!
Feb 28th, 2013: Six Week Reading Class for Adults with Disabilities
There are openings for both students and volunteers in the first session, which begins on Feb. 28th.
Please contact Molly Mayo with any questions: 503.287.0346 or
Faces of Independence Northwest: Cherish
Phenomenally talented Portland photographer Shelby Brakken is back with a new series of images for The Faces of Independence Northwest Project.
Check out the some of the beautiful photos she’s taken of INW customer Cherish. You’ll see more of Cherish’s images on our promotional materials, on our office walls and on our website soon.
View all of Shelby Brakken’s Faces of Independence Northwest images here.
Feb 21st, 2013 Craft Night Just Around the Corner
February 2013 INW Craft Night is just around the corner. Join us on Thursday, February 21st from 4:30 – 6:00. We’ll be making sun catchers, wind chimes, and mobiles this month!
Craft Night is held at the Independence Northwest office (541 NE 20th Ave., Suite 103.)
Limited space available. Feel free to bring an attendant or provider. Be sure to RSVP by calling Beri at 503.546.2950.
INW hosts Craft Nights on the 3rd Thursday of every month. We suggest a $3 donation to go toward supplies, provided by INW – however, no one will be turned away.
Mar 20th, 2013: Join PPS Community Transition Program and Portland Brokerages for Evening Info Sessions Throughout 2013
Do you have questions about school transition services after high school?
Want to learn more about the Portland Public Schools Community Transition Program?
Do you have questions about services for adults with developmental disabilities?
Want to learn more about brokerage services?
Join PPS and the five Portland metro brokerages in 2013 for an evening informational tea! We’ll do a short presentation on the transition program as well as brokerage services. The evening teas will include light refreshments and tea – and an opportunity for you to meet with PPS and brokerage staff. Get your questions answered and learn more about programs available to young adults in transition.
The third tea is March 20th. The event will be held at Inclusion Inc. Please RSVP by calling 503.916.5817. See you there!
Future events:
Apr 17th, 2013 – Hosted at UCP Connections
May 23rd, 2013 – Hosted at Community Pathways
All teas start at 6pm and end at 7:30pm
See flyer for details. Click here: PPSBrokerageInformationalTeas2013
Jan 30th, 2013: Join Us for A Legislative Advocacy Training
Join us for a DD Coalition GO! Project Legislative Advocacy Training, sponsored by Community Pathways Inc., Independence Northwest, and the Oregon Self-Advocacy Coalition.
The GO! Project, a project of the Oregon Developmental Disabilities Coalition, will be holding its Legislative Advocacy Training: Meet and Greet Your Local Legislator this January! The DD Coalition works to inform legislators about issues experienced by individuals and families experiencing disabilities. Customers, families, advocates, and professionals are welcome to come and learn:
- How the Oregon Legislative process works
- How to develop relationships with Legislators
- How to be an effective advocate
- Current issues pertinent to Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities advocates
Wednesday January 30th, 2013 in Portland
2:00 pm Advocacy Training and 4:00pm Visit with Senator Chip Shields
Multnomah County Hollywood Library
4040 NE Tillamook Street, Portland
Schedule will include Legislator introductions, Dear Legislator video, and Legislator Q&A
Please RSVP/Register by submitting your name, email address and zip code to
We look forward to seeing you there!
Join Us for Holiday Craft Night – Thursday, December 20th, 2012
Our highly successful Craft Night continues! This month, we will be making wreaths and ornaments! We look forward to seeing you there.
Thursday December 20th
from 4:30-6 p.m. at Independence Northwest
(541 NE 20th Ave., Suite 103.)
Limited space available.
INW hosts Craft Nights on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
We suggest a $3 donation to go toward supplies, provided by INW – however, no one will be turned away.