Is the INW office open?
We’re still operating during our regular business hours (9 to 5, Monday through Friday), just offering supports a bit differently. Personal Agents are working from both home offices and here at INW by appointment. We have updated our space to include eight meeting spaces equipped with individual air purifiers. We also have a large courtyard outside our building where you can meet with your Personal Agent if you prefer.
The majority of our administrative team are working on site and taking meetings by appointment as well. We are all available by phone, email, and via Zoom video conference – reach out to us and we’re happy to schedule a time to visit with you. You can find a full listing of our staff by clicking here.
How can I get in touch with my Personal Agent?
If you call our main line at 503-546-2950, you can connect to your Personal Agent’s extension and leave a voicemail. PAs are working full time and keep typical office hours. If your PA is not working or is unable to work for some reason, their outgoing voicemail or email out-of-office reply will tell you who can assist you in their absence. We have a coverage plan where two people back up any staff person who is unavailable. If you have an emergency and need to speak with someone quickly, we have a PA of the Day on call. You can reach them by calling your PA’s phone number and following the instructions on their outgoing voicemail. Click here for a list of staff extensions.
Can I meet with an INW Personal Agent in person?
Yes. We are currently meeting by appointment. Please contact your PA directly to make an appointment.
Do we have to use video conferencing or can we just do things over the phone?
We will meet with you in the format you prefer, so if phone is preferable to a video chat, great!
I need help finding a provider right now. Can you still help?
Absolutely. We are here to help get you connected with the right supports. There are Direct Support Professionals and Personal Support Workers who are offering their services and we will do our best to connect you to the right person to meet your needs.