From Mike Maley, ODDS Employment Coordinator:

Increasing provider capacity is one of the primary strategies of Employment First initiative. Today I have some exciting news to share in this area.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has issued a Request for Grant Applications (RFGA). This RFGA provides up to $750,000 to be distributed for a number of grant awards. The purpose is to expand Oregon’s capacity to provide individual integrated employment services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

This RFGA will fund:

  • Creation of new provider organizations to provide individual integrated employment services; or
  • Expansion of services by existing provider organizations to provide individual integrated employment services in Oregon. Existing provider organizations may be those already in Oregon, or may be outside the state and willing to expand services into Oregon.

Anyone wishing to view this opportunity or wanting to submit an application can see this RFGA at: The ORPIN reference number is DHS-3942-15.

This grant will increase the number of qualified employment specialists that can provide Discovery, job development, job coaching and other key employment services with the goal that more individuals with I/DD will obtain, maintain, and advance in individual integrated jobs.

DHS may approve a range of grant awards, with no single award exceeding $150,000, for an initial grant term through June 30, 2016.

Each application must seek funding to expand the organization’s workforce by at least one full-time employment specialist. Applicants must show that they will:

  • Increase capacity of employment specialists in their new or current organization;
  • Train new employment specialists to provide, at a minimum, the following types of services: Discovery, job development, and job coaching services, consistent with established core competencies and other requirements of DHS or its program offices; and
  • Engage the Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS) through Community Developmental Disability Programs (CDDPs), Support Service Brokerages and Vocational Rehabilitation through its local field offices in the implementation of individual integrated employment services for individuals with I/DD.

Facility-based providers awarded grants in Oct. 2014 as part of the “Provider Organization Transformation Project” are not eligible for this grant.

Proposals are due by 3 p.m. Feb. 5, 2015. Any specific questions regarding this RFGA can be directed to John Gardner with DHS Contracts & Procurement: or 503-378-3523.

Thank you all for your continued involvement, support, and advocacy for services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Oregon. If you have comments or questions, please email them to

~ Mike