INW has just begun a new advocacy initiave, The Dear Legislator Project. Check it out here and join us!
Oregonians with developmental disabilities face serious service cuts in the coming year including, but not limited to:
- Complete loss of Brokerage services for people not on Medicaid
- Complete loss of Day Program services statewide for people in comprehensive services; agencies providing these services may no longer be able to provide services to brokerage customers as a result
- An 80% reduction in total Brokerage support dollars for customers between the ages of 18 and 21 (reduction to just $300 per month in services.)
About the Project
The goal of the Dear Legislator Project is to connect people with developmental disabilities and their advocates with their local legislators via video postcards.
We all know getting to Salem and talking to legislators can be a tall order. Our hope is that this will prove to be a more accessible way of getting you and your concerns heard by your local legislator. Dear Legislator is a website that will host videos of Oregonians with disabilities, their families and their support providers. Video postcards will be available on the website, on Facebook and will be mailed directly to your local legislator!
How You Can Participate
You have a couple of options:
- You can come to Independence Northwest on one of our scheduled video days and we’ll record your video and upload/distribute it for you.
- You can upload your own video and submit it for the site and distribution.
Once your video is up, share it with everyone you know and spread the word! The more participants, the louder our voice!
Who Can Participate?
- People with developmental disabilities
- Family members of people with developmental disabilities
- Support staff
- Professionals (case managers, personal agents, teachers, administrators, independent contractors)
- Advocates
- Anyone who is concerned about Oregonians with developmental disabilities and their services!
Email Larry Deal at Independence Northwest at You can send your video links to that email address as well. Thanks for participating. Your efforts will make a big difference!