The City of Portland and Multnomah County fund year-round, winter, and severe weather emergency shelter. There are also privately-funded organizations that provide shelter services. There are 640 emergency shelter beds and 27 family spaces available year-round.

Winter shelter is available from November 1-March 31, unless otherwise indicated below. An additional 291 beds are available during the winter season, which includes winter shelter for men (146 beds), women (85 beds), and families (60 beds).

Severe weather emergency shelter is also available when the City declares a Severe Weather Notice, based on temperatures at 25 degrees Fahrenheit or below for several nights in a row, or other life-threatening weather conditions. When severe weather is declared, up to 250 additional beds may be made available for homeless persons.
Click either link below for additional shelter information:

Thanks to Natasha Roe at Multnomah County for this important set of resources.